Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Inventors of Colour

Where do you go to see the sun
When was it that your world begun?
Who did you see in the night so cold
When the aches in your body made you feel so old

The blue ocean turned to gray
The rising sun heralds the coming of day
We were there. We came to see, and we called it fair.

Sepia chasms. Lights in the morning.
Rainbow tendrils. The glow adorning.
We spoke in vivid colours and sang in songs of tones,
Blue sighs, red shouts and velvet magenta moans.

We didn't know back then, but we were the creators of light.
We brought forth the imagery with our playful fights.
We are the guardians, we have been entrusted.
They found us in their reveries when the colours combusted.

Now they call me black and they call you white.
Mere shades to them, but in this world, we are the bringers of light.
Conscious of us in every hour. We are the Inventors of Colour.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Mental Adjustments

I was just thinking of the days when I was younger. Everyone wanted everyone's approval. Everyone wanted to fit into the same line of thinking as everyone. We all were people pleasers.We all go through that phase where we suddenly have the blinkers taken off of our eyes and we started seeing things for ourselves, doing things for ourselves, being ourselves.

There are many different characters out there but we all see that everyday anyway. Our world is a diverse melting pot of different people with different strengths and weaknesses. Finding where you fit in, in such a vast world has always been hard but it is even harder these days. Everyone wants to be someone in a world of nobodies. We all want to be seen as we see ourselves. We want to be taken seriously. We want to create our own niche. These days though it almost seems as if by trying to put ourselves out there, we are just being like everyone else. I dont like standing out like a sore thumb. I like being able to crawl into a corner and still have my own private world where in that space, I am who I am and not what the world sees of me. I cant say I am the same person all the time - that doesnt mean Im not being myself - I have my "settings" for my different surroundings. I am openly happy to engage this world and although I have my introverted side, many only know the extrovert. Being able to adapt is instinct. If you dont, you wont survive. We are constantly in a battle for survival, be it at school, work, at home, wherever. We dont want to die out in our various circles so we keep adapting to the changes around us. I've had to do it for so long that it has become second nature.

It's almost systematic in how it works. We all go through that "What The Fudge?!?" stage when faced with situations we aren't too familiar with. We tend to feel a little fearful, apprehensive, a little angry and confused. What makes the difference though is how we choose to go on from there. Our thought process is one of the most important things in that situation. If we resign ourselves to admitting defeat, we've gone and let the situation overwhelm us, we have not adapted. Rolling with the punches is a great little idiom because thats basically what you have to do, you have to take them on the chin with a stiff upper lip and weather it through.

The fun little journeys we take all start off in the mind. If it sits well in mine, it will sit well in front of me. In this mental dictatorship, only I have the answers for the questions I ask myself and for that I am grateful.