Wednesday, September 19, 2012


You know how they say that when you're happy you hear the music but when you're sad you hear the lyrics? What if every song we listened to was a basic instruction or a warning? What if the key to success was within the written words, the melodies and the hooks?

Now days the music that we're faced with is electro instrumental alien sounds that have no real words or just basic phrases. Listening to normally arranged music with a vocalist and people playing various instruments, we listen to the various sounds and sing along but how often do we listen? I've been listening to a lot of various music lately and I don't know whether it's because i just enjoy this band or what but I swear Bloc Party have seen the future. Im listening to Four at the moment, for probably the 127th time now and each time I swear they've stumbled upon the next 20 years. Whether it is the sound - which shall become the norm in the industry - or the lyrics - which many people will start mirroring - they seem to have struck a nerve in the world and in my head.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


I've had a rough couple of weeks. Total mash up of things that just come at you at once, leaving you a little more down than the ones that came before. It's not often I find myself overwhelmed by something and it always is kinda foreign to me but I must say I feel as if Im in the clear once again.

We tend to take for granted the things we see and do in everyday life. We stick to our same old routines, barely deviating and once change comes along we grind to a stand still. The biggest threat to sanity is not being able to embrace the changes all around us. I dont think any person really wants change. We want a nice little bubble of constant goodness which is rarely every achieved and it is even more rare to keep it going.

I haven't been the most chilled character around for the last few months. A lot of things have been getting to me and generally I would shrug them off but lately with the constant turmoil that is my mind state, I've been letting my guard down and allowing things to seep in through the cracks. I've had moments where I lose total focus. I have been on mind missions that serve no other point than to confuse me even more and overshadow my clarity. I've said a lot of things I dont mean to a lot of people who dont need to hear them. I dont know where exactly I went off to but i know that it's about time I came back. If there is no yearly assessment then there is no progress. This time of year is where I come into my own and this is where it's going to count the most. i have before me a lot of challenges to get through with all this school stuff and it's gonna take a whole lot outta me than I once thought and so no better time than now to really screw my head on tight.