Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wonder Women.

Women are as close to superheroes as we'll ever get to as humans. They say this is a man's world. Men control the money, the market and the muck. It's all good to say that we, as men, are the big dogs. We are the Alpha Males, the big cheeses and the bees kneeses, but let's be honest, behind every man is a strong woman.

Women have this strange ability to pull out the biggest load of heroics out their asses at a moments notice. There are cases of women lifting up cars to save their children. There are women who have been the reason and also, the end of wars. They go through the whole act of childbirth and then continue on, following it up with childrearing. They also have to live with inconvenience that is menstruation but their biggest testament to their strength is that they put up with us.

We as men are a twisted bunch. Women are the driving force behind nearly everything that we do in this world. Whether we've done things to be better for them, impress them or just to piss them off. Men are probably the most simplest creatures on this planet. Even amoeba have more complexity than we do. We have two switches; amused and unamused. Give us food, sports and sex and we're sorted, take those away from us and we're defeated. We all live on the same wavelength. If I hang out with my friends, I know that we're gonna talk about food, tits and football. Women on the other hand have to be very careful with what they say around each other. A girl cant start talking about her weight if she looks like she is what God uses to floss in the morning if she's in the company of the lumpy turds God got rid of after that. They have to know how to compliment each other in a way that is genuine but also borders on disinterest. I once said a girl was "Bite-the-back-of-your-hand beautiful" and I was roasted alive by the most judgemental glares this world has ever bared witness to. You can't just come out and say what you think, there are certain rules and etiquette you must adhere to when speaking to a woman.

Being a woman in today's day and age means being able to adapt to every single situation. You've got to be able to understand the difference between the way your boyfriend speaks and how your friends do. You have to learn how to get ahead in life before you even get your first training bra. It's a harsh world out there as a woman and men, in all their simplicity, don't make it any easier. I'm glad that I'm not a woman. They must have some kind of super power to deal with these things, and a whole lot more that goes under the rug. I don't think I could handle just how frustrating the world must be in their eyes when they're already the most frustrating thing in mine.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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