Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Msizi's Green.

"Msizi's jealous! Msizi's jealous! Msizi's jealous!"

I think now that I look back on it, I probably was jealous. Now jealousy, jealousy is a weakness. It is a green little vile emotion that is the cancer of all thought. Jealousy is one of the main reasons behind any person's downfall. I hate it with such a strong passion. I hate it, I hate it so god damn much that I literally give my mind a chinese burn each time it even tries to bring up that nauseating feeling. I try my hardest not to entertain such thoughts. I feel weak if I let my mind wander down the alluring trail of loathing. I just cannot justify feeling envious of another person when I think so highly of myself. Being jealous doesn't cut it.

I'll say it again, I think I was jealous. Now let me explain just why I felt this say, just so it can make sense to me, and to anyone that bothers to even read this. I don't like being outdone. I'm very competitive. It may not look like it, I may look like a chilled out kind of guy and usually I am, but I can't use lose. I know I don't put in all my efforts, it's my main back fall excuse which lets me feel okay if I don't really succeed but it is the main reason why I do tend to doubt myself. I doubt myself more than the average person really should. I know I'm capable of doing great things but I tend not to believe it because I'd hate to think what it would be like if I couldn't achieve them. I do everything with a little niggling doubt and that is the main driving force behind my every effort. I want to squish the doubt and use its blood to shine up my victories. Anyway this is besides the point. The other day I realised I had gone back on everything I'd said I'd do now that I was a single man. I'd fraternity with the ex, made happy faces and had even touched faces a couple of times. I had given too much thought to the idea of a new start at an old past and I had become foolish enough to get comfortable with the idea. I had sold myself out. Unbeknownst to me, something else was brewing on the other side that would really put a spanner in my works. There was another that coveted the one that I did. Now this character has been around for ages. He was known to me, and rather disliked by me, before we even split up. I didn't really take much notice of him because I was assured on more than one occasion that he was nothing more of a chancer and someone she'd never ever pursue - silly me. Anyway, before I even knew about this guy, there was another by the same name that was also trying his luck. Now she told me about this guy, she told me about how he'd taken her on a date and it had been lovely, all of this happening the day after we'd spent the day together. I didn't really mind all that because we're both single and single people go on dates, it's what they do. So anyway, I'm hearing stories going around and my head is in a bit of a state. I wasn't too sure whether to go through with the idea of trying to be with her again or to leave things as they were and cut ties completely, once and for all. And this is when the green monster started to rear his head..
Now I've always been on the back foot with this girl. Too much old school thinking going on in a world of new school endeavours, you get me deal. So I've always had a lot of hoops to jump through and I really didn't care about all that because I genuinely liked this bint. But now came this new guy that I assumed must've been taken in like prince charming on his white stallion, that had come to save the fair maiden from the black dragon that held her captive. I could imagine the towns people rejoicing over what they would undoubtedly call the dawn of a new age. This would be what they dreamed of and they would never again have to fake the smiles of those who secretly hated every single moment of it. Old school. So now I'm feeling a little self conscious and it's really starting to grate my mind. I've got lines from Trojan Horse by Bloc Party blaring in my mind, all like, "Tell me what the other's can do, that I cant?" It's not a good time in my head. My heart is weighed down heavy and I'm just short of both time and patience with everything. I just couldn't deal with myself. I hated me, and that wasn't good. I decided to seek counsel with my go-to. We spoke of my folly and I had to admit that I was taken for a fool by my twisted emotions. I always knew that they worked against me and I always have them in check, it's just that sometimes they surprise me and it usually happens so easily when dealing with this girl. It makes me sick. So anyway, I speak to a friend, she tells me she's seen her with another guy, the one who was around before we split, and he's the one who has taken all her time and attention. If I could relay the sense of relief I felt when I was told who it was, I don't think you'd believe me. You know when you think you've flunked a test, only to find out that you got one of the highest marks? You know when you lose your phone after a night out and you search your pockets like a crazed hamboner, only to find your friend had it all along? Do you know the sense of relief that comes from a period after a pregnancy scare? None of those could compare. None of them. I felt like I could finally breathe again. I felt like everything I once knew was back in its place. I wasn't out gun by a new and improved faceless figure that would come in and shame my name. I knew who he is. I knew his weaknesses and most importantly, I knew why. I don't care if he's taken up in arms and loved by all those around, fuck that. It would only go to prove that the old school was the one toeing the line and I don't really care because the line is already there. I was only worried about this faceless entity coming in and destroying everything I had ever worked for and for me to have never known where it was where I lacked. The fear of the unknown is biblical. We fear what we don't understand and that is what hinders us. It is what brings forth all the negatives that we see everyday and it is what cripples us.

I still went forward and told her how I felt. She told me to shit off and I was happy after that. I knew that I couldn't even begin to try and go back to a lifestyle I just couldn't stomach the thought of and the very fact that she was now with him, it made me nauseous. I can say that I'm not jealous, I feel relieved. I have no respect for the eejit and I feel feathers for the rest. I can compare the thought of them together to an annoying jack Russell. Kick it under the table and tell it to "fuckoffyouasshole", I'm trying to speak here.
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Msizi's Green.

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Opportunity Cost

The other day I was thinking about Slam Piece and his thing with that girl. Now they both aren't the two most visually appealing characters and yet they had a relationship going on. It got me thinking, which one of them settled?

I've been thinking about settling a lot lately. You hear and see it all the time. I'm sure we all have a friend who has been like, "I'm really into SoandSo but WhatsItsName really has been there and is nice and I'm just looking to be happy so I'll be with them". It makes sense if all you're looking for is someone to sit comfortably with by the fire and read magazines with but it doesn't sound exciting. Where is the excitement in forever knowing that you short changed yourself? I can't say I understand the phenonmenon. I look back at every girl I've had a relationship with and at some point in time, there was a drawing point that they had that I just could not make out on the faces of anyone else. People have been telling me to just up and find the closest thing to what I want but seeing as I haven't even found what I want, how am I meant to find the next best thing?

I don't see myself finding someone and shacking up for the sake of always having someone around. I'm a heavy affectionate person. I've discovered recently that I have these reserves of affection that I just need to get out of me and lately they've been dealt with by having a cuddle here and holding a hand there or a bit of kissing to pass the time. There hasn't been anything else to it besides the fact that I feel like being a little affectionate at the time. That may sound like normal human nature. People could argue and say "Well that's what hooking up is" but I don't see it that way. If I casually just hold your hand out of the blue, more often than not I'm just releasing my pent up affection. I'm not being some guy who's trying to get into your pants, I don't want us to date and play happy families, I just want to feel the heat of a palm on my own. I know it sounds weird and freakish but once you've felt the quiet calm that comes from that form of contentment, there really isnt much else that could trump that. I think that's what I'll always miss from any relationship I have, the quiet stillness of embrace.

Whabba Flubber

I was in the shower today, mans thinking chamber, and I came to a startling realisation.
I know I've been going on and on about relationships lately, to the point where it feels like they're all I see or think about but I haven't actually been able to make up my mind about them till now.

See, I have friends who are in relationships and I was in one not too long ago. I won't call any of them happy relationships, solely because I don't know what the daily runnings of them are like but from what I've seen, it all seems to be smiles and nauseating affection. I had a reasonably happy relationship. We did have our ups and downs as most people do but I do feel like it was good for the most part of it. I saw my ex the other day. When people found out about it, they asked the same questions like, 'Are you guys back together?' 'Does this mean you're working things out' and some of them were even weirded out by it all and a bit shunning. I see nothing wrong with socialising with an ex if the both of you can handle that level of maturity where you're no longer digging up things from the past that can be used to break each other down. There is none more powerful than a person who knows your past and is malevolent enough to use it against you.

After we'd seen each other, the ex tells me of some random date she went on. Now I've had my fair share of moments with the ladies as of late. I'm not suffering in any way and the last thing on my mind sometimes was her but after spending a bit of time together, I couldn't help but find it a little upsetting. I wasn't upset that she'd gone out with some guy and was seeing him again the next day, that didn't bother me because there is nothing holding her and I together, what bothered me was that I wasn't quite sure how to react to all that. I really don't have it in me to care about everyone's personal lives when I have such a jumbled up one of my own so really as to why I was told that, I do not know. But now I was sat with this imagery and I didn't quite know where it all fit in. It just swam around my head, poking it's head into every little corner of my mind that I was in, trying to lure me from my escape. I whacked it down beat it to a pulp but it kept coming back to life like a fiendish villain in one of my nightmares. I don't know if it was jealousy or something else but whatever it was that I was feeling, I really didn't like it.

So this afternoon I'm having a shower and my mind goes back to that thought and it finally hits me. I'm not the guy that is the safe bet. I don't have the qualities needed to be in the perfect relationship. I'm not about to call you babe and show you off to the world with my statuses full of hearts and kissy faces. I'm not going to spend every single waking moment with you and tell you how much my life would suck without you. That's not me. And that's not what I want. I'm the guy that will say yes to a little bit of risky actions because they're fun things to do. I'm the guy that will happily kick it with you because there's nothing better than being comfortable but with no strings attached. I'm the guy that you won't feel too compelled to bring home all the time because I'm not going to try very hard to get along with your family if they give me the cold shoulder. I'm the guy that just wants to have a little fun. I'm not built for a relationship and that's where I think I'm going to be for a while.

Don't get me wrong, I have had a few and I'm not against making full efforts to my commitment as a boyfriend but I will never ever be able to do it like someone who really thinks that the 'love' they feel is the be all and end all. I've felt what I think would be my best and most accurate description of love to date. I've cared for someone more than I care for myself and that for me is quite a big thing. I've had my brief stint with my co-pilot and once the plane crashed, I didn't want anymore anywhere else and I'm okay with that. I think relationships are a complete waste and that's because I came out unhappy with mine and I'll keep thinking that until my thinking is changed. I have nothing against people going into them, I just don't want to hear about it because I'm still knee deep in my own adventure.
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