Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I plan to be a GJ

I plan to be a GJ. It isn't too different from being a DJ, in fact it really isn't except for the fact that I'll be doing it.

I've decided that for a period of 5 years somewhere in my life, I will be the world's largest Electro/Dub Pioneer DJ. This will really be my take on a musical scene I know nothing about and something that will be probably the most insane thing I've ever done. It will be my Joaquin Phoenix moment where I go out into the world, do something people would never associate me with and then bam, after a while, I quit. People won't know what's cutting. They'll be like, "We always thought you were into band music, what is this?" And I'll say, "Damn straight I'm into band music bitches, this is just another facet of me, my 'Alter Ego' my inside 'Nemesis', my 'Dirty South'.

It will be a very demanding period on me both physically and mentally. The 5 year part will be when I'm at my complete peak, the running up to that may take a little longer. Starting as soon as I finish my background research, I'm gonna start attacking the beats with an icy pick and I will be creating the harshest sounding beats this world's ears has ever heard. There will be a time where people will bleed, there will be a time of mass frenzy and people breaking down into drugged up erotic displays, this will be a shocking time period. I can't say I'm afraid, I can't say it is something I want to do forever, I can't say I will care too much about it all. All I can sat though is that once it all goes down, we're all gonna die.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day.

Dear Emma Stubbs.

You're another story. Honest to God sometimes I don't get you at all. Sometimes I want to break you in half and set you on fire. I have never met someone I can like, love, adore and then hate all in the space of a few minutes. You know how to ruin my mood. You're the only person who really knows how to piss me off and often times you're the one person I've wanted to run over with a Rake. If I could I would climb into your brain and take a good dump all over the place just so you know how it feels.

Emma Stubbs. I have never loved another like you. Often times I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I am yet to meet another that makes me feel the way you do. I know I never will. I will never meet another whom I am willing to make myself so open and vulnerable to. I will never come across another who will hold me in the same way you do. The things you do, ranging from cute to pure on stupid, all make me realize just how sold I am on you. I have had moments where I've seen you crying and been like, "This is my doll, I love her and I don't want her crying, please stop crying bint?" and then I would stop saying/doing what it was that was upsetting you and then make sure to try make you happy again. There have been those times where you've done something highly stupid and I've been like, "Who is this pillock and what are they doing next to me? Oh wait, this is my doll, best to hold her tight" and then just like that, it's ok that you're wearing your underwear over your head pretending to be a superhero.

I think the world of you. You're the best I've ever had and yes I'll admit, you're the most annoying at times but I know for a fact that I never ever make it easy to be with me (what fun would that be?) but the fact that you still are, even though you doubt your sanity sometimes means more to me than you'll ever know. I'll never admit to being lost without you, I'm not a prawn, but you know how I am without you, I don't like it. I know our Valentine's Day was a shambles, in fact it was the perfect Anti Valentine's Day ever. If we had broken up it would've been the funniest story ever but I'm glad we didn't, although I won't count my chickens before they hatch.

You're the best to ever happen to me and I love you to no avail, "uncontrollably" even. Happy messed up Valentine's Day you sexy bint.

From your 'Hunk'

We're Bitches

Breaking up with someone isn't all that hard really. All it takes is a simple, "Laka" and there you have it, a tie severed for what is hopefully forever.

It all isn't that hard. I've broken up with all my girlfriends as far as I can remember but one is in the grey area because we just kinda came to the mutual understanding that my infidelity kinda constitutes a break up and I didn't dispute that for crap. I think the only think that is ever an issue is the staying broken apart. For most it is very easy to not have to go back, in fact it is insulting and I can't see myself going back in time to relive anything that was because it died for a reason. I don't feel for any of my ex's as anything more as really cool friends and that is ok for me. I've seen a lot and also heard a lot about failed relationships and fail ex's that I really don't see it as anything so different anymore.

It was Valentine's Day and I can say that today isn't finished. It hasn't been resolved in a way where I can go to bed tonight feeling as if sleep will come to me. I feel like today was possibly the biggest waste in that I don't feel as if it did what it was supposed to. Today was a day meant to be forgotten, a day where I hoped to feel as if a gulf had been crossed over this sea of silly controversy and conformity. I came to realize sometime into the day that, "Hey, even though I think today is a bunch of sheep balls, I'm not the only one in this." I was like well if that is the case then best I hot foot and do some ground work. Unfortunately it didn't pan out as I had expected and to be honest I will admit to being a little upset but I was also chilled because there will come a time where I hit my romantic stride. I don't think any girl will understand just what it feels like to have their mates tune them about someone they're interested in. It is probably one of the worst things because not only does it make you feel like an absolute prawn, it makes you feel like a prawn. I think it is the best thing ever, I dish out abuse all the time and being someone with a girlfriend, I get it dealt a lot too. I have no problem with that, I encourage that but it makes having and maintaining a committed relationship easily one of the hardest things on God's Shiny Boy Earth. I have a mate who till this day, refuses to admit he loves that Blonde Vixen, the one with the BV. Another has some foreign ass waiting in the wings but also loves the queen. It is all harmless fun.

I'm in a better mood now. I'm still very Two Finger's In YOur Eyes sorta thing but I'm ace.