Thursday, May 31, 2012

A game of 'Are You Good Enough'

We play too many games. We play too many games hat have no point. We play too many games that have no victor.

I think it's a sad and funny state of affairs. So long we wish for the moments where we are finally set in and cosy and are content, but really, we're slowly ruining it. Once we become content, we become complacent and we begin to destroy what we helped build. I was content, for a long time. I was so happily content that it took me well over half a year to realize that I was on a collision course with destruction. It leads to boredom. I've been bored. The worst thing about being bored is that there is nothing you can do about it when you're the only one. I think I sit too much in merry go rounds that are out of synch. I'm never going in the right way and that has always worked for me and it still is, it just makes it a bit harder to get out of the rut when everyone is sticking into the groove.

I'm not bored. I'm frustrated. I need some spice and I'm trying to open up the gaps but the other side comes across a bit half arsed at times. Last night opened up a bit of old thinking that I don't even know why it was closed. I don't want to mess around. I'm not going to mess around. I know what I want and I'm going to get it, I'm done with the games. Xx

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