Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Woolworths Culture.

We've all been to Woolworths. It's seen as the fancy shopping option and they really drench it on you. When my dad is in charge of going shopping, he gets stuff from Wollworths. It's our Marks and Spencer, no one ever does their main shop there, you just go there for your bits.

I was in there the other day wanting to get lunch and I bought myself a club sandwich. Every single one on the rack had no price on it. They had the yellow tags but no price on them as if you're just meant to know how much it all costs and if you ask then you shouldn't be buying it. So anyway I get to the line to pay at the tills and I look down and mysteriously, my item now has a price printed on it. Now the way Woolworths sets their tills and queues up, you can't just easily turn around and put something back because one, you can't really go back and secondly, you'll feel like a knob putting it back, as if everyone is gonna judge you for being a cheap ass but the funny thing is, they're also thinking the same thing. No one goes to Woolworths with the intention of buying anything. They go there to make a statement, to make sure all the other housewives see them pushing their black trolleys and there is no bigger social death than putting something back on the shelves.

I spent close to R50 on a lunch that would've costed me just over R20 at Checkers or even cheaper at Pick and Pay but if I'm honest, I don't really mind. Well not now anyway after it's all over.

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