Thursday, November 8, 2012

Durban Is Yours.

What are you doing for your city? When last did you stop to admire the place you call home? Durban is such a colourful and vibrant place. We all see cities around the world and long to go live there, but when last did you appreciate what this place had? Forget for a moment just what's going on in this country, forget the politics and forget all your dramas. Taking a look at your surroundings, there's still so much more to see.

For the past couple of months I've had my Durban pride steadily climb higher and higher. I've always loved taking a walk through the city. The kind of chaos you see here doesn't work anywhere else. Johannesburg has it's fast paced vibe, like everyone is on speed and Cape Town flows like a sunday afternoon that's stretched a bit too long. Durban is the perfect mix. Every week I find myself somewhere in the city and kinda being amazed at just what's going on around me. Whether I'm sitting having lunch with a lovely lady or running around looking for some decent coffee, I never seem to get bored of what I see. There is a whole new life coming out of the city that everyone said was so sleepy.

Durban was the odd cousin that Joburg and Cape Town hated seeing at family reunions because he'd always want to tag along with them and really cramp their style - not anymore. I can almost feel the buzz of anticipation when I walk out the door. I can almost lick the greatness that's going to come at me when I turn the corner. I can faintly make out the taste of the adventure I'm about to gulp down.

I went to a restaurant called Market the other night and I was blown away. For someone who will have a meal almost anywhere, this was really stumbling across a gem. I had a lovely meal with some truly epic people, in a lovely atmosphere and that is the kinda thing we need. Cities are run by coffee shops and restaurants. If you go to a place that doesn't have the right kinda eating establishments, you're gonna have a bad time. Forget Spur, Wimpy, KFC and any other fast food place, proper coffee shops are what makes us tick. We're no longer living in a time where we go crazy for the American way, we do things our way. A beer at breakfast, eggs and bacon for lunch, we don't care. I love going to a place and being able to feel the kind of character that exists within those four walls. I love going out for drinks at a place where the management are the very same people that come and join you for a drink. I love the bonds created over breakfast the night after you went a little too much over the wagon. I love the little impromptu stages that crop up at night and the gigs we all go and see. I love the city around me.

I've barely touched the surface of the place that I call home. We've got quite a few messed up things going on in the world, but sometimes focussing on the city around you can be the greatest escape. I'm already on the prowl for my next venue for a coffee date and I'm glad to say there's still so much to see.
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