Thursday, February 7, 2013


So, anyway, I was just minding my own sardines the other day. I was just going through the motions of the day when I suddenly came across this girl. I see a lot of girls every day and usually I don't really take much notice but this one was a little different. She was kind to my eye, stood in a group of mutual friends and completely unaware that I was there. I didn't really care for that, I didn't know who she was and I wasn't about to really try find out, even if I felt a little moved. Sitting with an old friend and discussing our weekend, this girl comes over and joins our conversation. I grab her name somewhere along the line and stare her down. I do this thing sometimes where I feel like I'm the shit, the Bruce Wayne of the world and stare into a girl, really sussing her out. After a while I remember that I'm all not that great and then bow out quite embarrassed and never make eye contact with that girl ever again, opting to move to another country just to be safe. Anyway, we lock eyes and kind of stare at each other whilst more people gather and join into the conversation. I haven't said a word, I'm still stuck in my moment of self importance and I think she's looking at me wondering who this creepo is. Eventually I break the eye locks, get up and move on to another group of friends.

I forget about her. The next day I say a few words to her, a little here and there and then that's it for our interaction. It carries on the same for two more days but then they turn the next day. Now I'm the kind of guy who doesn't mind a girl sitting on my lap, I'd rather she do that than I sit on hers, but I do mind if it's someone I'm not so friendly with. If a random wants to sit on my lap, they have to ask and not take liberty with my lap, it's not a free for all. I'm sitting with a few friends on a bench and this little lady climbs atop my seated throne without even asking me and I'm like 'WTFudge?'. I keep quiet. Later on, we speak about something a little dodgy and in doing so, she endears herself to me. In the following weeks we do a little talking, all is going well, I'm pulling shapes and my planets are aligning and then I find out she has a boyf.

Now for me, girl's with boyfs are a no go. I refuse to get involved in the middle someone's relationship because I'd hate for someone to get in the middle of mine. As someone who has had it happen surprisingly a lot, it's no surprise that it just isn't my scene. But that's what I tell myself. I pull some back tracking manoeuvres and start to beat a bit of a hasty retreat but then the sly vixen kind of ropes me in. I'm not saying I feel the need to make this one an exception and meddle in her business but I'm sitting thinking about how bad it could possibly be, I mean what's the worst that could happen? So a few days pass of me being on the fence, I keep it in mind but I still carry on with my normal life on the side and then I get to this day. Today I am pretty sure I'm not about to meddle. The ex ended up having a thing with two guys that saw fight to stick their noses where they didn't belong and that has always grinded my gears. I don't want to be that kind of guy. I know I could handle it and I know it would all mean nothing to me in the long run if I just had a small fling but I refuse to be caught up in something that involves another person. I'd rather the third person be a speculation than a certainty, which is something else I'm dealing with at the moment, but until she calls quits on this guy, which I know is coming soon, I have my foot jammed hard on the brake.
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