Monday, February 24, 2014


You'd assume I'd be more put out. There was hope on your shoulders, there was genuine belief that maybe you'd step out as one of the truly better ones. Well let me not get ahead of myself and say you won't, some of the best have had a shaky start and years down the line I've had nothing but good words to say about them.

It's not so much what you did. We all do that, I mean I've done it so many times before that it doesn't even register. It's that you had to choose that moment, that situation and that person to go and drop a rung. That was the only slap in the face. I like to think I make enough of an impact that dropping low would be seen as something forbidden to do but obviously something must be a bit off if both times I've tried to take someone on, they've gone and shafted me with some run of the mill retrobate. Flip, I need to pull up my socks here clearly.

I've said I've not changed, that much is true. It's a speed wobble in something that was for the most part, interesting enough to see through. I still have every intention of doing so, I'm not at all too phased but now there's a slightly different taste in my mouth. Let's see what goes.

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