Tuesday, February 25, 2014

2 second rant.

My computer has just given up the ghost. Poof and it's gone. Now I can't access anything that's even remotely meant something to me. Files, pictures, music and the likes, all gone in an instant. I'm well pissed.

It's like these past few days anything worth believing in has given me every reason to just chuck it straight out the window. I'm so annoyed right now. Why can't technology just know not to cock up. Why can't it fix itself? I've tried everything I can think of and because I don't have a basic degree knowledge of an OS then basically what I've just done is piss in the wind. I'm so over today. It was such a great day till a few hours ago and now I'm just sitting here with a great big pit in my stomach and an ever present hate for the world. Haha I'm always in the best of spirits just before my birthday, this year clearly seems to be no different.

Adjustments, they need to be constructed.

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