Saturday, April 19, 2014

The Kids Aren't Alright.

Visiting family is always a great thing to do. I enjoy seeing the strange characters I'm related to. Most of them are some of the greatest people I know. Family is where the good times reside.

The thing is though, I'm a very chill character. I don't need to be kept entertained. I don't need to be maintained.  I can keep to myself and find every bit of entertainment that I need. Put the football on and I'm literally in my element. You can leave me for hours and I'll be just fine. What sucks about visiting family though is that no matter how old I get, I'll always be considered as the small little boy my mother used to cart around. I'm an old man now. I've been dead inside for many years, I think I've earned my spot at the grown up table. My anti social behavior speaks volumes, I'm not a kid anymore. So why then am I always saddled with the little kids? I hate little kids. I have nothing in common with them. I don't understand anything to do with them and they don't get me. If you want your kids to cry then I can happily lend some assistance but if you're looking for a baby sitter then you're out of luck. I don't get why little kids seem to think that I want to hear every single thing they have to say. Keep some things to yourself little homie, be a bit mysterious. If you must speak to me, God forbid,  then please do it in a language that we both can understand. Don't come at me with the street slang you use in your part of the nursery school because I promise you right now, I won't understand a thing you're saying. I will ignore you and keep getting these tweets out about how annoying you are. You don't deserve that. If we must interact then I will initiate it. I've already got a shadow, I don't need a new one. I once got trailed by this little guy once to the point where I had to duck him just so I could go take a piss. I don't even go to the toilet with my own friends. The worst is when little kids come with their snot noses and touchy fingers. I can forgive a dog for touching my jeans and stuff because it's an animal and it's dumb, it doesn't understand when I say don't touch but if your kid is gonna use my pants as a new home for its boogers then I'll administer a beat down. I once had a tiny tot use my jacket as a tissue and I nearly burst several blood vessels. 

I know it's expected of me to make sure the kids are alright and if that means a bit of chinwagging then we'll converse. Sometimes I have to hand it to them, kids can say some great things. I've heard some genius things come from half pints. Some of my nephew's mates have had me in stitches, to the point where I could consider them sort of my honorary friends on certain days of the year, if given prior notice. It's not all so bad but it takes time. It takes time and some growing up. I can happily handle dealing with small kids for a short period of time. Sometimes they can really be delightful and I love it when people affiliated with them are more embarrassed by their behavior than everyone else. I'll happily engage with a kid just to watch their parents cringe at the silly things they're doing. That's fun. But ya, I don't love your child as much as you do and I never will so let's not try force this friendship. We'll get there when we get there, if we get there.

I'm Stealing Your Title Style From Now On For These Ones.

I've been sitting on a thousand feelings and thoughts the last couple of weeks. Pulled in various directions, I've been like a dog on a run. Running from this lamp post, leaving my mark on this hydrant. Generally stretching myself thinner than I think I've ever been.

These nights where I sit in my cave, music streaming uninhibited into my ears, consciousness bared wide open, these are the nights that make me. Right now I feel fantastic. I've been a long way from finding myself and it's a wonderful feeling to find everything I was looking for and to feel it come back to me. I can sit on the edge of my bed, listen to songs about the broken and not feel like they're speaking to me.

Do you know what it's like to watch yourself come apart from the inside? Do you know what it looks like when that manifests itself into your day to day life? Most people don't notice. They just see someone acting up or putting on a show and that's the end of it. What it really does to the person going through that is quite something else. I'd never wish for anyone to hate who they are. When you get to the point where you hate you, the person that you are, that's when you've lost the game. That's when you've let everyone else dictate to you who you should be. Sometimes we think we have that under control. We feel like we have our lives in our own hands and we can conquer it all. We go on these benders, these quests to prove to everyone and to ourselves that we're ok but in the long run they do way more damage than good. I love coming back down to earth from this high pedestal I've constructed. I like being back at the level where I fully understand myself. When I'm out there, full blown to the masses, that's not me, not all the time. I went for coffee with Gem the other day. I had a few hours to kill and she was keen to meet up and so I took the opportunity with both hands.  It was good to feel real. There's a great feeling in seeing someone's face light up when they see yours. Yes, it's not the same way as it once was before but it was great nonetheless.  We've come a long way from where we were before and I'm greatful for every twist and turn we've taken. She really put me at ease. Spoke words only she knew, with gold plated meanings and the calming effects of ocean waves. If I'd sat there a moment longer, I might not have ever returned. She's always been my voice of reason and I'm glad that hasn't changed.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Miss Jackson - Panic! At The Disco

Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark
No one knows it's you Miss Jackson
Found another victim
But no one's gonna find Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson

You put a sour little flavor in my mouth now
You move in circles hoping no one's gonna find out
But we're so lucky,
Kiss the ring and let 'em bow down
Looking for the time of your life (ain't always gonna find out)

A pretty picture but the scenery is so loud,
A face like heaven catching lighting in your nightgown,
But back away from the water, babe, you might drown-
The party isn't over tonight (lighting in your nightgown)

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her anyway
I love her anyway
I love her anyway
Out the back door
But I love her anyway

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?
Are you nasty?
I love her anyway

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her anyway

Way down 'til the fire finally dies out
You've got 'em wrapped around your finger
Watch 'em fall down
There's something beautiful and tragic in the fallout
Let me say it one more time
(Tragic in the fall out)

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door, Goddamn
But I love her anyway

I love her anyway
I love her anyway
Out the back door
But I love her anyway

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?
Are you nasty?
I love her anyway

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her any...

Climbing out the back door, didn't leave a mark
No one knows it's you Miss Jackson
Found another victim
But no one's gonna find Miss Jackson, Jackson, Jackson

I love her anyway

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?

Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Miss Jackson
Are you nasty?
Are you nasty
I love her anyway

Where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?
Out the back door
But I love her anyway

Thursday, April 10, 2014

You notice her to be something very special. You go out of your way to make her notice you. You put in hours upon hours of spade work. Finding every excuse to be on her mind. Doing everything in your power to have just an extra moment with her. You go all out. She gets swept off her feet. She agrees to be yours. You've done it, you've finally made it, So then tell me, why did you give up?

I don't quite understand why we seem to think that once we've gotten the girl, we can sit back and relax. If anything, once you have the girl, that's when all the hard work truly begins. I cannot believe that I've allowed myself to fall into that trap of being a complacent idiot lately. I've only ever had one serious relationship. I've had relationships before but none of them really count as much as that one did. I did my work. I put in the hours. I did the small things, I did the big things. I did it all. I was easily at my best as far as Msizi the Boyfriend goes. These days people will look at me and think I'm speaking trash. "How could this guy possibly be anything even remotely close to a human when he's such a dick?" I know right now that there are a few girls that harbor nothing but hate for me. I've seen the looks. I've felt the cold stares. I'm not proud of it. After having given so much of myself to a person, I just felt like I never could give of myself again and so after that, I just never did. I never bothered to be the best for someone else. I was only the best for me. I looked out for number one and it's been something I've been doing ever since.

I tried to get my redemption. I tried to make amends where I could. I figured if I found someone I thought was special enough then I could go on to be a better man. I found her. She exists. I don't. I've been a mediocre, hollow shell. I know I've said all this before but I've been jank. I don't understand why it's been so damn hard for me to just relax a little and be a little more real. Tell her she's wonderful. Tell her she's on my mind. Tell her I'm proud of her. Tell her she's bite-the-back-of-my-hand beautiful. You know, tell her the truth. I think I just got so swept up in trying to be this unmoved, cold hearted dude that I lost sight of what's important.The most important thing as a guy is for you to make a lady feel like the angel she really is. I've just noticed that as guys we've been flopping at this lately. I've seen it come from characters I'd never expect it from, to people that have it coming out their ears. I'm embarrassed and it's been sitting heavy on my heart the last couple of weeks. I've come to accept that I've been wrong, very wrong, and a useless oke through and through but it changes. It changes. I have no worries when it comes to looking a little "gay", not if it does the job of making a girl feel good.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Give Me My Moments Back

These new people. These new characters with all their things that make them who they are. These new faces, they don't know much about me. I feel like I've not done myself any justice. I've squashed my passions. I've not given them the wings they need to fly. I've not given them the power they need to help define me. To them I'm just a guy who has vague interests in the mundane and that's it. That's where he ends. What moves him? What gets him happy? What makes him sad? A guy with no cares for anyone or anything.

That's not me. I have passions. I have fears. I have goals. I have a life so rich in colour that sometimes I literally cannot fathom just how brilliant it all could be. Being thankful is something I never stop being. My passions run deep. This face has been lit up by discussing things that flow through my veins. The feeling of being in my element is one I'll never tire of. I shine like a million watt bulb when I'm discussing music. Come to me with your collected pieces of the written word and I'll understand your soul. Show me the visual pieces that move you and I'll be moved along too. I love nothing more than to control the room. My mission in any situation is to add colour to the walls. I love nothing more than making people laugh. I am that who I am.

There's this feeling people give off these days, like it's wrong to actually care about things. It's wrong to be moved. It's wrong to be set differently. I won't lie, for a while now I've unconsciously been playing into that and no wonder I've been as much of a miserable git as I have. It's like we wear a uniform. That's not me. That's never been me. Ask those that truly know me and they'll tell you that I'm nothing like how I've been these days. I've gotten so good at lying to myself. If there's one thing that has given rise, power to this creative mind, it's my ability to turn the negatives into positives. It's the ability to push through with what I love when it makes no sense to anyone else. When the rest think I've gone around the loop, that's when I bring out the strings that control the puppetry, that's when things turn around.

I've not felt inspired and that's the problem. I've just been so caught up in everyone else's ideologies that I've kinda forgotten mine. I'm better than this. I'm better than all of it. I'm about to make amends.