Monday, June 9, 2014

Comfort Eejit

What are you doing up here so late? When last did we see your face around these parts. You've been scare old friend. Where have you been, it's almost like you did not exist.

Oh, you won't tell me where you've been? Well that's ok. It's not like I don't already know. I was with you. You know I was with you. You know I was with you because you called for me. You called for me and you never stopped, I just wish you would've come for me. You know where I was. I stood by you each and every time. The rise and the fall. You've come out from your inequities. You don't see it yet but you're bolder, stronger, in tune with that which you thought was lost.

You're still not impressed though are you. Silly old friend. You're still wrapped up in things that steal your time. I can see that you see and seeing that I see you see yourself being done with it all. That's the mark. That's the stride you'll take once more. Strong foot and steady step, they guide you. I see you old friend, on your resurrection. You were lost but never alone. I was beside you, always will be.

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