Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Bold As Love - Jimi Hendrix

Anger he smiles tow'ring shiny metallic purple armour. Queen jealousy, envy waits behind him. Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground. Blue are the life giving waters taking for granted, They quietly understand. Once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready, But wonder why the fight is on. But they're all, bold as love. Yeah, they're all bold as love. Yeah, they're all bold as love. Just ask the Axis. [ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/j/jimi+hendrix/bold+as+love_20071546.html ] My red is so confident he flashes trophies of war And ribbons of euphoria. Orange is young, full of daring but very unsteady for the first go 'round. My yellow in this case is no so mellow. In fact I'm trying to say it's frightened like me. And all of these emotions of mine keep holding me From giving my life to a rainbow like you. But I'm a yeah, I'm bold as love, Yeah yeah. Well, I'm bold, bold as love. Hear me talkin', girl. I'm bold as love. Just ask the Axis. He knows everything. Yeah, yeah.s love. Hear me talkin', girl. I'm bold as love. Just ask the Axis. He knows everything. Yeah, yeah.
So today I got the best news of a long time, Zebra and Giraffe are playing in Durban on the 9th of October and guess who'll be up front again? Last night I was in this pub and it was probably the coolest thing I've done on a monday night. I had my Label and looked around and was like, "This here isn't a bad way to spend a monday evening". I can't wait for the day where I can go out with my mates on a monday down to the pub to get a drink and watch the monday night football game. I'm getting a new addition to my 18 year old club in a few months and we'll be going to such places for games between our teams but like they're also quite cool to hang out in. Last time I was in a pub a few weeks ago I had a 42 year old lady suck out my belly button. That kinda thing doesn't happen at 2000 Tigers or Bonked Plaboys but I mean its not like you'll find a 42 year old there unless they're seriously lost or just looking to get arrested but I'd much rather run the risk of having my belly button raped than have to listen to doof doof music surrounded by pumped up guidos. I've wanted to go to a gig in so long and now that Greg and his mates are coming to play I'm all so amped. What we really need is a place for us normal humans who enjoy music to just hang out. I've never been to Unit 11 but I really wanna try it soon but really its the only place out there that is getting its name out and that is sad, we need more of those kinda places, live music isn't dead.s a place for us normal humans who enjoy music to just hang out. I've never been to Unit 11 but I really wanna try it soon but really its the only place out there that is getting its name out and that is sad, we need more of those kinda places, live music ist I mean its not like you'll find a 42 year old there unless they're seriously lost or just looking to get arrested but I'd much rather run the risk of having my belly button raped than have to listen to doof doof music surrounded by pumped up guidos. I've wanted to go to a gig in so long and now that Greg and his mates are coming to play I'm all so amped. What we really need is a place for us normal humans who enjoy music to just hang out. I've never been to Unit 11 but I really wanna try it soon but really its the only place out there that is getting its name out and that is sad, we need more of those kinda places, live music isn't dead.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


never forget to log out.

Trial and Error

Trial and error is a simple concept. You try something out and see if it works, if it fails, you try again until it does. It's simple to understand, very cavemanesque in its execution. I've been trying to post using my phone and it won't let me. I who was so excited to have a QWERTY keypad and constant access to my blog and have now been made to sit down hard on my ass. Turns out that it refuses to open up my posting screen. It lets me have a title but won't let me actually write a post. I'm not clued up enough to try edit anything to change this if it is in fact possible. I'm now trying to see if it'll let me post via my emails which also was a problem because on this phone I can receive and send emails at will, just not to my blog and I can't access Gmail in my web browser either because of some other drug related problem this phone has.

Anyway though, I've been toying with the thoughts of trial and error this week as I've been trying to do all my various things. It's funny how now days there seems to be this surge in judgement at various things. I find it very sad for those who are governed by the judgements of others. The other day Henderhead asked me who it was that I bitterly despised so much and after that was settled I started thinking about just why is it that I may hate another? See I only dislike this eejit because of the various run ins I and several others have had with them. But is that enough for me to feel this way? Like if you really think about it (and I know I'll hate myself for thinking this way because it's not often I'm genuinely unfriendly) they're just another human going through the various motions like the rest of us, they just haven't learnt how to deal with their closed minded problems like the rest of us. There are many things out there that I disagree with but I don't see it as my civic duty to go out there and belittle every one of them point blank with no thought or understanding. It pains me even more to see just how much ignorance and stupidity still sits amongst us. I mean we're meant to be a new generation of youths, the all accepting and understanding generation but some of us still have our heads so far up our asses, still so caught up in the thoughts and problems of our parents generation.

If you were to compare my upbringing to that of my father for instance, it'd be like trying to compare a brick to jupiter and you're like "I don't understand what that mean?!" That's how different the two are. My children's generation will be very different to mine as well and so the trend will continue much like it always has been. We're constantly moving forward and if some people still choose to be stuck in past then I'm sorry but you're only gonna get left behind...

"Real-ationship Estate"

Dear Msizi.

I've been dating this girl for 2 years now and everything has been great, she's really fantastic and I like her a lot, my problem is though, I think she wants us to move in together. My last girlfriend moved in with me after a year and a half and she knows this and I assume she wants to do the same seeing as how girls want to be treated equally. I dont know what to do, please help?

From Confused in Doncaster.

Dear Confused in Doncaster.

You have a very strange name, why did your parents call you that? Anyway, your problem is an easy one to fix. You see, you're committing a huge relationship wrong by assuming and generalizing, in fact, you're never ever meant to do that in life. I assume you know that as a person who has been around for many years now I never do such things and generally Im always right because of it. I assume that after dating this girl for 2 years, you'd have a general idea of how she takes things and how she reacts. The best thing to do would really be to just ask her how she feels about moving in together and not be a stupid git ny doing as your name says and confusing yourself.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

The nose and mouth

Have you ever had the urge to bite into something because it smelt good? I have that all the time. When I was a little children, I used to enjoy the smell of Ingrams Camphor cream, so I used to eat it. I loved the smell of Vicks Vapour rub, so I used to eat it. I loved the smell of roses, so I used to eat them. All of those things I must say, taste like crap. If smell translated to taste then some things would be so much easier. If something smells good but tastes bad, does it stand to reason that poo could taste good? Someone should look into that and find out. I know a guy who'd be very happy if that were so.