Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Bederf My"

I was speaking to some people the other day. Ok well I wasn't speaking to them, I was just listening to their conversation, sort of. So this girl was going on about how her boyfriend should be pampering her and attending to her every whim because as her boyfriend, it was his duty to do that and he wasn't doing it.

Now I was a little taken aback by this. I mean sure it is good to show the person you're with that you value them and giving them crap and what not is cool and everything but when I asked her when last she did something for him, she had no answer. Now I think that's wwrong. You can't expect to be treated like a queen if you're treating your boyfriend like your subject. Here is a guy who has just been slated as a terrible boyfriend for one small isolated incident and I can say right now that 90% of girls would agree with the silly notion being put across by this girl but I'm sorry, it's rubbish. I would understand if this guy never did anything for this girl but we've all heard the stories of how great it is when he does this and gives her that and doesn't forget another thing, we all know it's there. Why can't she show him the same love and respect he's shown her? I don't know who majority of girls think they are these days. Whether they think the world owes them things on a silver platter or if the rules don't apply to them but it's not so. You gotta give as good as you get and most of them are getting it quite well. They wonder why their boyfriend is making the googly eyes at someone else, why they'd rather be elsewhere as soon as is possible, why they never look back. It's because when they were there, they weren't treated like it was their place to be there.

They say it's the little things that count and these days I'm beginning to see it all over. Relationships involve two people and in such, they should be worked at by two people. Give as good as you get and don't expect to receive what you haven't given out.

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