Tuesday, June 5, 2012

They are the scourge.

I have posted about the swear words before, there is nothing more irritating, more defeating and downright mean than having to face reminders of someone you want to forget.

 Once something ends, that is how it should be. In a perfect world, an ending would stay dead and buried and the memories and feelings would be washed away into the dark abyss that nothing ever comes out of. if we could forget all that came before, all that stopped us from looking forwards, we would be better off. No one wants to hear the mention of the person they thought they once loved every time they turned around. no one wants to be suffocated by the harsh, bitter after taste of 'I Love You's they once used. no one wants to have smiling photos of a better time staring holes into their face. No one wants that. making these things is all good and fun, no one stops to think of how they can come back and bite you, and why would you? Who wants to live a sheltered life where they are always bottled up and one step away from walking out the door should anything threaten to burrow under the defences they put up? That is no way to live. That is no way to love.

 What people don't understand though is that once everything has been said and done, once all the feelings have been shoved back into your face with their trails of empty promises and broken jars of clay, no one wants to be reminded. Don't say the name that once brought sunshine to this place, it only brings rain now. Don't mention the antics of the one who wants promised heaven but now brings out the fiery depths of hell. Don't ask about they who said before everything happened that they were the one to put down your walls with you so you could put up a new one with them - granted you two did but along the way, somewhere in the building process, they added a hole they could use to slip out.

 There is a funny sadness to love, something bitter-sweet. Personally I'm a cat, albeit with a bit of a human tongue..

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