Sunday, October 7, 2012

Coconut Shy

If you cant laugh at yourself then you're giving everyone around you the permission to do it for you. I'm watching Submarine for the millionth time or close to it and I still have a huge laugh when I see just how much Oliver tries.

Being in a relationship is no easy game and for it's success, someone has to die. It takes a lot to get to the point where neither person feels like they're at a loss. it takes time. The patience level needed to wait through the time period it takes is not something everyone is blessed with. I love how Oliver takes everything into thought and kinda reckons that he has to find the answers for scenarios he thought up himself. He is the typical fairy in the relationship. The one who slaves away under the cracking whip and jumps to Jordana's every wish. It takes compromise to make it work and he has bent over backwards to please someone who hasn't spared it all much second thought.

I love this movie, it's quite entertaining. I dont feel anything much in the spine. I really cant think of the last time I felt the fizz of excitement. i haven't felt the challenge needed to see things through. It's like sitting on a rubber dingy on the ocean and letting the waves kinda make you sway back and forth. You speak words that sound hollow in your ears, you compromise yourself just to keep things in the clear, you don't know when the time is near but you know the shore is looming fast. I've set foot on shore and the it looks a lot different to the sights I saw out there. No one wants to sit in the dark, the pressure is far too great.

Im not mad. Im thankful. "You were crushing my face?" "Yeah, in a romantic way."

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