Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Old Friend.

Hello my friend. We haven't spoken in quite a while now.

I call you friend but really are we friends? Do we still see eye to eye or have you just been killed from memory completely? I wouldn't say you aren't here. You're here more than ever. You've made your presence know and are still struggling to get recognition. I know you want me to regard you. I know you want me to see you, feel you and believe in you. I do see you, I do feel you and I believe in you to the extent where I am almost afraid of you.

You're destined for greatness, we all know this. You know it too but you have trouble believing it. I don't think you should worry, you've had this in the bag since you came about. You know I've never loved another like I love you. I've been here and there and I've felt what people had to offer and they felt what I had but none of it compared to what we share. Sure, some would say it's a bit weird that Im admitting to all this but I know you. You get so overwhelmed sometimes by things that you forget that you always have someone in your corner. I haven't left you, not for a second and I wont ever be. When we're together, working for the same goal, we really are an unstoppable team. I've seen so much of you lately that it seems like you hadn't gone anywhere but Im also afraid that something is gonna come up that will drive us apart again. Your questioning spirit is looking for answers I cant give right now and I really hope you stay around and figure things out. I know it frightens you, even if you wont admit it because I can feel it. Right now I know you're constantly seeing things that excite and make you second guess but all of which makes you so anxious.

Forget everything you're hearing around you. Forget the worries, forget the stress and just do what you're good at, do you. Your greatness is coming at a speed that is rapidly picking up pace. Try something out and stick to it for a change, I know you can do it and I'll try stick it through with you, we can do this together my old friend.

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