Friday, January 25, 2013

Dead Ant.

I've been killing ants lately. I've been squashing the little creatures as they mill about on their various missions. I don't know why I do it sometimes. I have moments where I reason with myself and tell myself that they're just brainless creatures on their predestined mission to work themselves to death, why must I interfere.

I try hard not to. I try sometimes to just cast a blind eye to their activities. I try to ignore their set patterns on the wall. The train of small black spots moving constantly along my wall like a living crack. I try to let them be. I know I must be so frightening to them. Sometimes I try to remove them from where they're annoying me but I always squash them when I try picking them up, keeping the cycle spinning even further. They must think me to be some merciless giant taker of life. I'm not though. I really don't mean to take out there numbers. I don't mean to chop down their workforce, making the other's have to pick up the slack. It's not my intention. I have nothing against them. Ants are the most hard working things around and we all should really have their mentality when it comes to hard work. Being rather brainless is a huge negative for them but in their defence, it let's them focus and that's what works for them.

I'm going to try and not harm another ant if I can help it. This requires a gentle touch and if I can pull this off, I think we'll all get along just fine. But there is no way in hell I'm gonna let those bastards crawl on me, that's that shit I don't like.

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