Thursday, January 17, 2013


I'm sitting in my room, hunched over my desk. My computer hums its song of turning fans and working processors. Dogs are barking somewhere far off outside my tightly shut windows, a boy racer tears down the streets at midnight but all my attention is on the ticking of my pocket watch.

Time is something that often puzzles my mind, what I should really say is, the way we utilise time puzzles my mind. They say time waits for no man but yet we still waste it like it is something that will always be there. We treat time like we are the ones that it needs and not the other way round. We treat time like a lackey or even a common vagrant. I wish I knew how much time I've spent doing things in my life. I wish I knew how many hours I'd spent on things that were good and enriching. I wish I had the stats on the amount of time wasted on things that would never bring anything to me. The fine line we tread with time is whether we are using it constructively or pissing it out onto the floor. I've pissed a lot of time out in the past and now it's come to the point where it haunts me.

I'm tired of laying awake at night and cursing the missed opportunities because of my own mismanagement. I know this is as cliché as they come but this is a new year, this is a new beginning and if I can help it, this is the point where I stop mucking about. 365 days aren't really all that much when you think about it. It's taken me this long to realise but I'm glad it was early on. 348 more to make a difference with.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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