Thursday, November 21, 2013

Silly Little Gripes

I hurt my ankle the other day. Way to do something silly and make myself less of a human. It annoys me the most when I hurt myself. Why? Why must I suddenly become an invalid. It makes no sense. I can walk on it and stuff, it feels fine to after a couple of days but I can't as yet do anything vigorous. I went through the city on Monday, longest afternoon of my life trying to hobble through with it threatening to seize up at any given moment. I've been chilling at home and now it only really hurts when I get up in the morning or if I forget and try move my foot in ways it shouldn't. I should be back to winning ways soon.

I need someone to explain something to me. What happened to strong women who weren't afraid of their own shadows? What happened to women who could stand up for themselves? Women who would never rely on anyone else? What happened to women that love themselves? It seems these days that the time of self sacrifice is upon them. I can point out up to 15 females in any given room that feel less than themselves unless they're holding onto a man's coat tails. That's not cool. Where does it say that you're only complete when you have someone by your side? Okay, being alone isn't for everyone, it can suck but what is it about being in a relationship that saps a person's brain from their head and shoves it deep up their asshole? I don't understand it at all and it isn't even girls only that are at fault. I've seen guys lose their heads like this too. What is it about the person you're with that makes you put up with their constant crap all the time. I don't believe that it's love that makes people put up with half the things they do. I think that love has long deserted a relationship once pain and anger become the mainstay emotions. If you can look at the person you're with and have to start justifying their behaviour, it's going downhill my friend. I've heard a million and one bitter tales of betrayal and silliness and every time I say, "Hey, that aint right" I'm greeted with, "I know, but..." Don't tell me your story if you're going to come back at me with justifications to make it sound like what's going on is ok. Why did you even bother to come to me then if you already have your mind set on carrying on with what's going on. I feel feathers. If you're not willing to do something about the situation you're in then please, don't waste the time of another person by dumping all of that on them.

I seem to only blog about my gripes these days. Haha I think I'm growing so old and bored with life these days that all I can do is complain. That's not true though. Msizi isn't full of complaints. If anything, I feel the better than I have in a long time. I have many a reason to smile, a thousand reasons to laugh and so many things that leave me silent in awe. There are so many good things I want to post about but I think those just need a little bit more time to simmer up to a boil first.
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