Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Treat Her Kindly.

Most people would say I'm against relationships. They could argue that I'm not one who wants to see others succeed and that's not true. That's why I'm writing these filthy words to try help keep you guys together. The thing about relationships is that most of them will end in faliure. You've got a limited time to do what you do and make an impression. That's all it really is, leaving a legacy. Leave behind you a million thoughts and feelings that will forever have you etched inside of her heart stones.

Women love it when you compliment them. Never ever take that for granted. A woman could never tire of hearing how wonderful you think she is. They may say they do but that's just because you're doing it wrong. Your girl is your princess. She's the only one you've got and you need to make sure she knows and understands that. Compliment your lady on all the things that society says you must. Her eyes, hair, breasts, derriere, legs and such things. Those are givens. Those are things that you usually can't go wrong with but they can also become quite over done. Once you've done all those a few hundred times then it starts to sound forced and fake. That's where most guys fall off. They fail to realise when they've overplayed something and that makes it so much easier for another guy with fresh perspective to swoop in and dunk a basket on your head by taking your girl from you. Personally what I like to do once all that is exhausted, is that I like to go another route. Compliment the obscure.

Find out what she hates about herself and make that your obsession, but in a good way. If she hates her toes then don't tell her that they look like nik naks, make her feel good about them. Make her learn to love her flaws. We all like to hear good things about the things we hate in ourselves from other people. As her man, you need to understand this and never drop the ball in this department. Make Cinderella forget where she came from. I learnt this once and chose to stick it close by to me. I look now and feel content when I see the confident smiles I created. They may think that they've always loved their flaws but it often dawns on them that there's someone who once told them only good about what they thought was bad and that person was you. If you can do that my friend then I promise you she'll still be thinking about you long after you guys are through. We're all here together to build each other up and you never forget the people that made you. Treat her kindly and she will not only love you for it, but she'll also never forget what you did for her.

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