Thursday, January 30, 2014


When you meet someone, wouldn't it be great to kind of learn all there is to know about them? If someone walked into the room and a little pop up appeared above their head as you weighed up your interest towards them. Things like: Name, age, location, number of people in family and three other facts about them and a straight tripping one to close it off. Kinda like the pop up you get on Next. Wouldn't it be great to know all there is about another person.

I don't know though. I mean ideally it would be excellent to be on the same page with someone but mystery is often so much more intriguing. If I didn't have to search for the answers to some things then I would never really take much interest in them. If I had all the knowledge I wanted at  my doorstep then I would never leave the house. I doubt I'd try so hard to get to know and understand people if it was all given to me. I've met so truly great characters and it's taken time to get to this point and it's been worth it because I understand so much more about it.

I'd also hate it if that happened. At the end of the day I am a bit of a private person. Sure I devulge some of my innermost feelings and ideas onto this silly little page on the internet for all to see and stuff but truthfully speaking, I still keep a lot cards to my chest. Often not out of choice or anything, mainly it's because the time for all of that has passed. You gather all your info at a young age and then kind of start adding substance to it as you grow. If you weren't there when I was young then unlucks bud. I'm a lot less interesting than people would assume so I'm not about to ruin that by giving it all away.

When you meet someone, it would be terrible to learn all there is to know about them.

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