Friday, April 8, 2011

I know what I am, they know what they are so let me be

Back in the olden days, like many many years ago, like 50 to 70 or so, people used to live in their little dwelling places and socialize with people from their immediate surroundings and thats how it worked. If a stranger came amongst them though then the whole story would change...

The acceptance of a stranger doesnt happen over night. Mostly hostilities would be bestowed upon the strange journey man because he was not of the land, he was not one of them, he did not come from their same bubble. Most gave up with being accepted and just moved on, some had more patience and would try carve a niche for themselves in the little village or what not, trying to gain even a modicum of trust or respect but still despite their efforts it wasn't always guaranteed to work.

With the changing of time, so does the mind expand and a new level of openess and understanding has come upon today's generation of people. Nowadays we travel all around the place, mingling with different people and different cultures, our world is a melting pot of diversity. Americans literally sit around with everyone, you'll find yourself a Jap floating in the sea, there is a Polish man in any odd jobs company in England, Albainians are in cahoots with Iraqi's on the whole terror front, an afrikaaner made a song with a black man, its all there before our eyes.

So whatup to you. I think you achieved a little bit of a giggle and your ego must be inflated to an all time high, I mean really, to stoop to such levels is rather funny because honestly, no one is impressed by that. So what if you dont attend any lynchings and you aren't a member of the K.K.K, you may as well be with the minimal regard I hold for you. I know the unknown intimidates the naive and its cute how you choose to show it in such a pompous and fluffed up manner. If you want tips to avoiding the caught out factor, come to me and I'll teach you a thing or too cuz its something I may have not been doing for longer than you but Im a damn sight better, my catching you out being perfect testament... 

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