Friday, April 29, 2011

There is a new swear word

You know those words that people say that just go and annoy you to no end just by their mere mention? Like they're normal words that usually have less meaning than a dead cat but because they strike a nerve or they're just silly they annoy straight away.

Last night I was speaking to people on various social networking devices and for some odd reason, all they could say was lv? Now I know lazy mofo's cant spell or anything but come on, saying love especially when you calling someone that isn't that hard. In my eyes honestly its a mark of a lack of respect and you may as well call me Cantore or something. Im very picky about the words said to me and how I take them and thats just one that is an instant turn off, I lost count of how many times I've been like, "Well that was a decent conversation to that point, clear and close." Its like taking a crap at the breakfast table and still expecting to be invited over for lunch, its just a no go.

I think its because back in the day lv and luv were used when trying to chat someone up or for someone you didnt give a crap about. Haha I was told I've become very anally retentive which is funny cuz its my old age.

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