Wednesday, April 20, 2011

*>>Later we can make our scrotums touch<<*

Girls are a funny race. I was on myFace just browsing at a few of them and I couldn't help but laughing.

So I notice that its like customary to post on someone's wall if you've just spent the last coupla moments with them no matter how long or short. I understand if it was a quick hello with someone you haven't seen in ages and you're just writing somethin small to say it was nice bumping into them. But its funny when a girl has spent up to ten hours with a person and then goes ahead and writes to them saying how wonderful it was and that they should do it again. It's like they're bound to each other by some force that we dont know.

Imagine if us guys did that? We'd be like, "Ah I had a great time watching the game with you man:) Im sooooo keen on the result and we should like totally do it again sometime:):):). Your epicness really made those 90 minutes plus stoppage time to be wonderful, we should just be attached at the scrotum and Im also keen to chow this weekend". It just wouldn't work out for us, not because we're too cool to write on each other's various profiles but because we write when there is a need. We dont go by a need to feel we should have messages cluttering our profile pages. We write when we have something to say and not for the sake of it.

And that is why I get so many complaints from girls who say I dont reply to their messages, Im sorry but I dont like it when our scrotums touch.

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