Sunday, December 11, 2011

If you cant trust me, then what can you do?

I wish I could live up to this playboy moniker I seem to have thrust around my head. If I could pull off half the things you think I'm capable of then I would totally understand. Basically, you've gone and given me a slap in the face and a short leash.

I don't know why though, I mean if I wanted to be unfaithful, do you really think I'd go and ask you to see me and then do something like that? I don't know what it is you think of me, I'm still a little bit taken aback by all this. If you can't trust me then what can you do? At the moment I feel as if I'm walking on a slippery precipice, trying to navigate my way without slipping and falling. Little things keep trying to push me over and I'm really walking on razor blades at the moment, trying to be is inoffensive as possible cuz I know I'll get a grilling and a torrent of water works. It really drains a person when they always have to be looking over their back like they know something big could crop up behind them without warning and eat them. I'm trying to be as accommodating as possible and I really feel I've been doing things by the book but I seem to be lacking in areas and that's normal, I'll work on fixing that, I just wish what I thought you understood about how I feel for you would be enough to tide me over till I worked it all out.

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