Friday, December 16, 2011

You're a mute here.

This person writing this post is on breaking point. I'm flipping drained. I think if I could have my way, I'd pack it all in and live somewhere far away for a little while, I really need a break.

I'm caught up between a battle of female wills that are too overpowering for me. Sometimes I think people forget that behind this exterior of bravado and eagerness to please without missing a step, lies a little boy still very afraid of failure, still very inept at dealing with many of today's crisis. I'm only one man who is walking on razor blades pretty much everywhere. I juggle the gigantic demands and the incomprehensible fluctuations in moods at work, only to be faced with more afterwards. I hope for a little respite but only get more of a beating down on various fronts. I'm really tired of it. Should I even try to speak against it and it increases ten fold to the point where I just even regret being there, in that situation and thinking I had any form of a leg to stand on by opening my mouth. I feel like I'm being talked over constantly. I'm being pulled this way and that, I'm like a rag doll caught between a bunch of princesses at a birthday party.

I need a break. I need to get away from it all. I need to just go climb into a hole and not see daylight for a few days, just to recharge my batteries. I need some time in a scenic location where I can look out and marvel and be surrounded by something that is unchanging. I need stillness. I need the quiet of an untouched place, a place that hasn't lost it's way and is so content in itself that it makes you feel like that even if there's a faint glimmer of hope, it's worth it. I need a flipping dagwood. I pretty much live for the moments when I walk in to find my friends in their various forms of disrepair after a long night and I can just sit down and listen to their whines for a moment and forget mine. Throw my phone far from me and sink into their drunken reminiscence. Right now all I want is some peace, even for a second.

1 comment:

  1. Get amped for a dagwood complete with a full set of chips this time
