Saturday, April 6, 2013


I came back from Splashy to find out that the old lady next door died. The funeral is tomorrow and I have a sneaking suspicion she'll be buried in the back garden. They're having an all night vigil right now and I can hear their singing loud and clear, as if they were sitting right in my room with me.

Now I've never been a huge fan of hers. She was the kind of old person who used her old personness to get her way. Was loud, obnoxious, quite demanding and very weird. I think she only really ever liked my dad. She kept chickens and gave him one every christmas, which we then gave to my gran because let's be honest, none of us were gonna go through the effort of peeling a chicken. I don't even eat meat that I've seen living before dinner time. But looking over the fence earlier today, it was a bit of a sad sight. There weren't many people coming in to pay their respects from what I've seen. I may be wrong, they could be drowning in condolences and the customary tupperwares of food that seem to crop up from faceless beneficiaries and I'd never know.

It just goes to show how little I knew of her. For all I know, she could've been the Mother Theresa of my small part of town. She could be the mother of the pope and the best thing to ever happen to the improvished and now she's gone. I'll never know if it's true or not. Her passing doesn't affect me personally. I don't feel anything if I'm honest but it does get me thinking about what kind of legacy I'll leave behind. That scares me.

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