Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Nonsensical Drivel.

I can often go on rants about strange things. I don't know how my mind works sometimes but it can just take me from one point, through a labyrinth of diskonkered thoughts and deposit me a million miles from where I started. This is always seen in my nightly tweets.

I function the best from 9pm to 4am, that's when Msizi time is engaged. Ask anyone and they'll tell you that it isn't often that I'm the first one asleep. I can run off steam all day and still have energy to go at something like I've been fuelled on diced lions. I don't know why that is. I think I was meant to live on the other side of the globe.

My most favourite thing to do in these eye shut hours, when everyone has turned in and my mind is on full alert, is to tweet. People often wonder how the hell I get so many tweets in and I've wondered too but I see now that it's because I'm nocturnal. Listening to music and tweeting goes hand in hand. I don't know why but sometimes I literally think I know something about music and then the tweet barrage begins. Obviously they're my views and I don't care if anyone agrees, I actually think no one takes it seriously and with that I'm not bothered but I still put it out there. I'll do you a whole album and character break down of basically any artist that takes the fancy of my ear at the moment. It's like a song by song commentary. I clearly don't value people's timelines because I'm always so willing to take them up with my nonsense but I'm not too bothered. If I can do at least one good deed, I hope it's in the form of musical education.

@MsiziSithole is where all the madness happens, I'd like to see if anyone follows me off of reading this post, don't be shy, tell me and I'll definitely follow back. Because obviously you've suffered enough having to read my blog and then being brave enough to go through my twitter drivel.
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Friday, October 18, 2013

I'm Proud.

You know, these days so many things have been pissing me off hey. I don't know why. But things these days have really been touching home. I'm not a person who usually takes things to heart either. I'm the most chilled character there is out there. Find someone who can laugh something off, like duck off a water's back, or water off a duck's back and you've found me. Just that these days, something has been up.

But sommit great happened tonight. I was speaking to Celeste - I've mentioned her before, she was the one with Calvin - and she told me they'd split. Pity right? I had some faith in them but anyway, we're talking and she goes and drops bombs on my head. Complete life ending A-Bombs that went and mutated my thoughts on her completely, but all in a good way. She spoke of how even though it wasn't the greatest having it end, she thought it was good that she had the time to find herself again. Like, whoa. Here I am going on about how people don't bother to do that anymore, almost beginning to believe that I'm wrong in my thinking and here comes someone who just came out of a relationship and she says what I've been saying. I did a mental slow clap for the child and I do a mental slow clap for anyone else that appreciates what they have inside of them, you know?

People I know that it's hard. Trust me I know what it's like, I'm not out here calling people names or anything and have never bothered to try it and I also know what it's like to jump straight into something after being involved with someone else, it's not worth it. I'm not an age old wise owl for nothing, I've earned my feathers. I've seen so many people come pip and if they'd just bothered to be true to themselves, it would've been so different.
I also know that it's easy to dismiss what I say. Most of you will read this and think, "It doesn't apply to me, I'm different/my situation is different" but more often than not, that's not the case. I learnt to stop kidding myself and it was good for me. I'm glad to say that I'm proud of Celeste and anyone else for that matter in that situation.
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Thursday, October 17, 2013

I Wanna Be Yours - John Cooper Clarke.

I wanna be your vacuum cleaner
breathing in your dust
I wanna be your Ford Cortina
I will never rust
If you like your coffee hot
let me be your coffee pot
You call the shots
I wanna be yours

I wanna be your raincoat
for those frequent rainy days
I wanna be your dreamboat
when you want to sail away
Let me be your teddy bear
take me with you anywhere
I don't care
I wanna be yours

I wanna be your electric meter
I will not run out
I wanna be the electric heater
you'll get cold without
I wanna be your setting lotion
hold your hair in deep devotion
Deep as the deep Atlantic ocean
that's how deep is my devotion
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

007 Has Nothing On Me.

I've often wondered what my calling is in life. I wake up in the morning, go through the motions of a normal day and kind of hope my destiny will pop its elusive head around my door and be like, "Hey Msizi, heard you were looking for me." Well, tonight it came at me.

All I wanted to do with my late night was play GTA and bump 808s and Heartbreak till I got into a fatigue coma. As I plugged in the Playstation, all hell broke loose. The plug made a fizzling noise, there were sparks and then there was silence. All through the house. Anything that was even remotely plugged in has croaked. I tried to push this and pull that but nothing was happening. I've single handedly put us back into the dark ages. I've come to realise that I'm actually an appliance assassin. I once went to The Face's house to study. All was well, we made lunch and because I have such a huge affinity for toast, I figured I'd go and make some. Big mistake. For some odd reason, I was able to frizz up the toaster by simply pulling the plunger. How does a human being kill a toaster that worked perfectly not so long ago, by just doing what they're meant to with it. I've also been able to break our DSTV decoder about 3 times now and 2 computers have seen their death at my hands. I don't understand it at all.

With all of this, I've come to the conclusion that my destiny is to go around killing appliances. I'd make the greatest partner to an electrician. All they'd have to do is send me through a neighbourhood, breaking things all over and I'd be like, "Oh, sorry about that but I do know this excellent electrician" and bam, business floods in. Even in my darkest times I manage to find a positive. I know someone with a basic knowledge of electricity will be able to make a joke out of that last sentence, I'm just gonna go bump 808s and Heartbreak and cry about my dead electronics.
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Monday, October 14, 2013

Don't You Ever

Don't you ever go to bed without a smile on your face.
Don't you ever wake up feeling unsure about yourself.
Don't you ever question the way that I feel.
You're not even mine and yet I fear losing you more than I care to admit.
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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Serial Daters Disgust Me.

These past couple of days I've been in deep thought. I finally hit the year mark of being single, a big deal to me because I was in a relationship for so long that it just became a blur of time and effort, one that eventually was just too taxing on me. After a good year back in the game, I've come to learn a lot.

There are two types of people out there in this world of romantic notions and feels. There are those that take what they're doing seriously. They bother to take the time to experience something with someone, building it over time and making a success of it. Then there are the characters who just mash through the motions, going in blindly just because they want momentary fulfillment that won't leave any lasting impression on them. When it comes to relationships, I like to think I'm the first one. I like for something to count. It takes me a while to warm up to someone in that way and once I have, it becomes hard to break that. I don't like for things to not have a meaning. When it comes to casual liaisons, I'm not going to fall in love with you or anything. If we're hooking up, once or twice, I'm not gonna catch feels. It's not often where I've looked back over the last year and thought I genuinely liked someone enough to try pursue something more serious with them. Of course there have been some, but it isn't often.

What really grinds my gears though these days are Serial Daters. We all know the type. People who will hop from one relationship to another, almost weekly with the kind of time gap in between each one that would have trouble separating molecules. These kinds of people honestly just rub me up the wrong way. Lately I've been noticing a trend of these weekend daters that come up, be all into the relationship vibe with someone and next thing you know they're off with someone else. Siff. I don't know if it's because I've had to deal with people like that in my life or if it's just because I think it's actually not a bad thing to care about yourself but I really take that kind of thing personally. You really have a tough time treating yourself well. I've come to find myself since I became single. I had a good, clean break into the wild and came back a man with an insatiable love and appreciation for what he has. I found strength in me, something no one else could ever give you so when I see people that jump from here to there, I feel sorry for them. To me, I think it's a weakness. How can you say you love this person and then go love that person a few days later? That's not true. You're just playing with people's emotions. One person in that union is going to take that thing seriously and they're gonna have their feelings hurt because they believed what you told them, holding onto your false words till they hurt like a burning candle. If you're gonna do that, rather just stay single, honestly. If you're gonna mess people over, at least give them the decency of No Strings Attached.

Serial Daters are no better than people who go out hooking up with different people every week. They like to hide behind the fact that they're in a "Committed Relationship" so it's different. It's not though. No one is fooled. I'm sorry but no one buys into all that once we've seen you giving 5 minutes to just about everyone. You're just like the rest of us, only what you're doing is more acceptable to be put up onto social networks. I was on Facebook just now and I came across at least 6 examples. People whose actions just really grinded my gears. Just last month you posted up pictures with your boyfriend and now you have a new one and he's up there too. Are we now meant to forget that the other thing happened? Do we skip the folder completely? You were with this girl for a long time and then all of a beeswax it ended and started up again almost every fortnight but we're meant to forget all that because she's not the current header on your profile? Please. Why can't we just find some chill?

I wish I knew what the thinking behind all of that was though. Like, what makes someone do things like that? Is it fear, a large ego, a need to belong, insecurities? What is it? I personally think that it is a form of weakness. Not being comfortable enough with yourself for you to be able to stand on your own two feet, not being able to appreciate yourself. Learn to love yourself without having to seek the affirmation of others. I'm not saying become an arrogant dick or anything, I'm just saying that these days, so many people feel like they have to be liked so much that they'll end up losing themselves just to get a nod in their direction. How does that make you feel at the end of the day? I've genuinely only liked two people and just that in itself was so taxing on me, I can't even begin to imagine how you feel after a string of lesser paramores. I think the most attractive quality a woman can have is self assurance. I love someone who as confidence in themselves. I made the mistake of letting one such woman slip through my hands because I was too busy chasing a fantasy about a bygone love that was never going to make the cut after that and I kick myself on the side of the head every day because of it.

I'm not going to dwell on that, it's over now but I just think that a lot of people these days actually need to stop and think about what kind of image they're putting out there, especially when it comes to relationships and things like that. I feel nothing for someone who has a broken heart more than three times in six months, if anything, you deserve it. I know I'll probably strike a nerve somewhere, I'm bound to, and if I have, please feel free to explain to me just how all of this works. Maybe I have it wrong. Maybe it's all about that way of life now, I could be very outdated. Fill me in, let's hear it but until then, I'll just carry on thinking you're a bunch of idiots.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lies for Neener.

Usually, when I write a post about someone, they tend to turn into a flop. Okay, I won't say a flop, some of you are some truly epic ones that have just gone from strength to strength and I love you for that so really I feel nothing as I write this post about Neener Neener.

Pontso Mpho Mosala, the queen of flops and all things that accompany them. She's one of the few people I can genuinely feel such anger at. I don't get angry often, in fact there are people that will tell you that they've never even felt a whiff of anti energy coming from me. It's true,I dislike those negative feels, they don't ever do anyone any good but thanks to Ponini, I've had a daily dose of negative emotion for quite a while now. The story goes that she was taken in by my devilish good looks and amazing wit on Twitter and I honestly don't blame her. Point out a girl that says they can withstand that combo and i will show you a liar. I've heard she's brought me up in conversation quite a few times too which doesn't surprise me, so much so that people have banned me as any form of a topic. Sweet isn't it. Her infatuation with me is really flattering. It sucks that she can basically pull all my teeth out at a single go. Sometimes I speak to her and say a little prayer for her, it can't be human for a person to be like that, right?

It's not all bad though. When it's all said and done, I value the Neens. She's the first person I've ever actually given a nickname to that I was 100% proud of. She hates it so that makes it even better. You know when you come across someone in your journeys that makes a lot of sense but in a screwed up way? That's the Neens. She's a good person, deep down. I'm yet to meet a person who can take as much verbal abuse from me and not take it to heart. If I could meet a girl who was okay with being called a distended bowel for getting something wrong and counters with something of a similar vein, I'd marry her. In fact, I'd love to clone her and marry the clone. That's as best a compliment as I can give to another human being. I wouldn't marry Neen though, just to spite her, because she deserves that. Sibson once said that her and I would date, I laughed but now I don't know. If they get the cloning of humans right then I would definitely get it on with Version 2.0. Obviously I'd make some fundamental changes but the general package would stay the same.

I think those are enough lies now.
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