Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Nonsensical Drivel.

I can often go on rants about strange things. I don't know how my mind works sometimes but it can just take me from one point, through a labyrinth of diskonkered thoughts and deposit me a million miles from where I started. This is always seen in my nightly tweets.

I function the best from 9pm to 4am, that's when Msizi time is engaged. Ask anyone and they'll tell you that it isn't often that I'm the first one asleep. I can run off steam all day and still have energy to go at something like I've been fuelled on diced lions. I don't know why that is. I think I was meant to live on the other side of the globe.

My most favourite thing to do in these eye shut hours, when everyone has turned in and my mind is on full alert, is to tweet. People often wonder how the hell I get so many tweets in and I've wondered too but I see now that it's because I'm nocturnal. Listening to music and tweeting goes hand in hand. I don't know why but sometimes I literally think I know something about music and then the tweet barrage begins. Obviously they're my views and I don't care if anyone agrees, I actually think no one takes it seriously and with that I'm not bothered but I still put it out there. I'll do you a whole album and character break down of basically any artist that takes the fancy of my ear at the moment. It's like a song by song commentary. I clearly don't value people's timelines because I'm always so willing to take them up with my nonsense but I'm not too bothered. If I can do at least one good deed, I hope it's in the form of musical education.

@MsiziSithole is where all the madness happens, I'd like to see if anyone follows me off of reading this post, don't be shy, tell me and I'll definitely follow back. Because obviously you've suffered enough having to read my blog and then being brave enough to go through my twitter drivel.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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