Friday, October 18, 2013

I'm Proud.

You know, these days so many things have been pissing me off hey. I don't know why. But things these days have really been touching home. I'm not a person who usually takes things to heart either. I'm the most chilled character there is out there. Find someone who can laugh something off, like duck off a water's back, or water off a duck's back and you've found me. Just that these days, something has been up.

But sommit great happened tonight. I was speaking to Celeste - I've mentioned her before, she was the one with Calvin - and she told me they'd split. Pity right? I had some faith in them but anyway, we're talking and she goes and drops bombs on my head. Complete life ending A-Bombs that went and mutated my thoughts on her completely, but all in a good way. She spoke of how even though it wasn't the greatest having it end, she thought it was good that she had the time to find herself again. Like, whoa. Here I am going on about how people don't bother to do that anymore, almost beginning to believe that I'm wrong in my thinking and here comes someone who just came out of a relationship and she says what I've been saying. I did a mental slow clap for the child and I do a mental slow clap for anyone else that appreciates what they have inside of them, you know?

People I know that it's hard. Trust me I know what it's like, I'm not out here calling people names or anything and have never bothered to try it and I also know what it's like to jump straight into something after being involved with someone else, it's not worth it. I'm not an age old wise owl for nothing, I've earned my feathers. I've seen so many people come pip and if they'd just bothered to be true to themselves, it would've been so different.
I also know that it's easy to dismiss what I say. Most of you will read this and think, "It doesn't apply to me, I'm different/my situation is different" but more often than not, that's not the case. I learnt to stop kidding myself and it was good for me. I'm glad to say that I'm proud of Celeste and anyone else for that matter in that situation.
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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