Sunday, May 1, 2011

My quiet den is crowded with the screams of, "Rescue me."

My days have been filled with me in a bad space. My my head has been taken over by thoughts that should never ever trouble a dashing youth like myself and it is because of those that seek my attention and sympathy.

Chilled I dont mind giving attention and/or sympathy or any other emotion when I can see a genuine need to and Im feeling nice but those that come properly bugging from the start and just pull out these bogus claims then ay ekse, I couldn't give a crap. So now this girl has come and potentially shattered the world as we know it, it'll never ever exist in the same thread as before and my mind is running at a million miles from home and then she tunes, "ah no its all hunky dory now" and Im like "Excuse me? You're the one who was telling me of the apocalypse coming and the many signs of the death of a planet and its life forms and now you're saying its a false alarm? Bitch please."

That also brings me to something else, not of the same vein but also a thought I had. So lately there's all this speculation going around about whats happening in my love life, Im no celebrity so I didnt understand where all this talk was coming from and frankly I dont see any fascination with anything I do so I dont understand why randoms would question me about anything? See another thing thats transpired, and I'd already known this, is that my sweet little dearest cannot be alone. Im sorry my dear to call you out on this but it must be put out there for this section of the post to make sense. She has this level of being wanted that I've never seen in any other person before, this want to be central to all which is cute and everything but not when you're dealing with what you think is the scum of the earth and everything has now become a major exaggeration for reasons unexplainable to others. 6 months and 29 days is a long time. I know how when something bothers you its as if the sun has been swallowed by the moon and its reason to stress, I understand how if you're upset we must have a moments silence for the happiness that's gone astray and if it were anyone else honestly I would've told them to go die in a trench of rotting corpses but those words have never passed my lips. So chilled I get the floating speculations going on about you and I cuz I know how you'll stress something, its probably why your friends dont like me cuz lord knows how bad things may have been made to sound when you were upset but I mean its chilled, the only problem with doing things like that is I'd hate for one thing to be said and then I go and say another, that'll piss me off and make me look like an eejit and eejit just isn't my colour.

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