Monday, November 7, 2011

Novelism is my new calling.

I've decided that I'm going to release a book. It's not gonna be anything too special, it'll just be the greatest work of literacy this world has ever come to be blessed with. It will contain in it the answer to the most puzzling question in the world, it will have the answer to the meaning of life.

I was unaware as to just how much this world needs a book written by me until I'd actually gone and started writing it. The Chilling Spine Cord is the name I've schosen for it. It may make no sense and may have a supposed spelling error in the name but the thing is, most people won't even realize that when reading or saying the name and that goes to demonstrate a point I made a while ago that as an author, you can write anything and every person who reads it will interpret it in a different way. I'm not writing a story book to make everyone feel nice and fuzzy inside and it won't be a book to break you down either, it will flipping destroy your senses and sell them on the black market as ash trays to wealthy japanese businessmen.

I'm sure it'll be the begining of a series of books that I'll be making, a body of work that encapsulates the human psyche and brings it out in a way where it comes out unfiltered and as raw as it looks like inside our heads before we put our mental blinders on.

Someone will cry reading this book.

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