Sunday, July 7, 2013

Breakfast Bob

Someone needs to come up with a definitive guide to what meals can be eaten at what time for breakfast because I am all over the show.

I generally tend to wake up at about 11am on a good day at home which kind of means I wake up in the hour of limbo. Breakfast all over the world stops being served at about 10ish and lunch is only an hour away, so what must I do? I never know if I should have cereal anyway and call it as I see it, being my first meal of the day or if I should skip along and have a bigger meal and be satisfied for lunch. I tend to always have a bit of confusion when it comes to meal times, so much so that I once just had a tomato all day because I didn't know where food would fit in on the clock.

Today is no different. I'm up now and as I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, lovely things like egg and bacon and mushies and all those sweet breakfast bobs stare at me lovingly and as I turn around and stare into the cupboard, noodles and tuna and toast making goods try seduce me with their eatery wiles. I'm weak man, I love me some good food. So much so that I haven't even kept to my diet at all this week. I've been all over the show, eating this and that all willy nilly and if I don't get back into my routine then it'll begin to show.

I wrote this post to try and clear my head so I could have time to decide what I'll have. Seeing as this will be the meal that'll tide me over till dinner time, I think it's best I have toasted cornflakes, bacon, egg and cheese on a bed of tuna noodles.
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