Friday, March 25, 2011

Looking back, its been ages...

So I've had this Blog for not even a year now and I've covered a lot of subject matter..

Reading it tonight and all the memories came through and you're kinda like, "Woah I remember when that happened, I was a lot different back then?". Like its heavy cuz I mean most of my posts have been written when I was a +2, from the start of my relationship, the highs, the lows, the decline and there actually isn't a post about its demise because I dont think its something I should make a big point about even tho it sucks yeah. I still want to and actually will be mates with my ex, she is a human I enjoyed and its all chilled in my eyes.

But like there have been the other posts and stuff of when I had some good moments with my mates, let it be known that I wrote about the values of friendship long before I saw the value in anything else. I wanna keep this Blog for life. I wanna post when Im an old ballie and look back at how I've gone and changed over the years, hopefully I'll be a better person, chilling with my 'Vanilla Latte with espresso on the side' drinking wife/ long term girlfriend and baby Mikel playing with his little sister Ferne. Thats my new two child garage, they'll be hectic homies cuz they'll be my kids and we all know that if they ever come to being then there is no way in hell I'll allow them to be anything less.

Haha ah man they grow up so fast dont they? Two weeks you asked for? I'll make sure it happens...

Looking back, its been ages...

So I've had this Blog for not even a year now and I've covered a lot of subject matter..

Reading it tonight and all the memories came through and you're kinda like, "Woah I remember when that happened, I was a lot different back then?". Like its heavy cuz I mean most of my posts have been written when I was a +2, from the start of my relationship, the highs, the lows, the decline and there actually isn't a post about its demise because I dont think its something I should make a big point about even tho it sucks yeah. I still want to and actually will be mates with my ex, she is a human I enjoyed and its all chilled in my eyes.

But like there have been the other posts and stuff of when I had some good moments with my mates, let it be known that I wrote about the values of friendship long before I saw the value in anything else. I wanna keep this Blog for life. I wanna post when Im an old ballie and look back at how I've gone and changed over the years, hopefully I'll be a better person, chilling with my 'Vanilla Latte with espresso on the side' drinking wife/ long term girlfriend and baby Mikel playing with his little sister Ferne. Thats my new two child garage, they'll be hectic homies cuz they'll be my kids and we all know that if they ever come to being then there is no way in hell I'll allow them to be anything less.

Haha ah man they grow up so fast dont they? Two weeks you asked for? I'll make sure it happens...

If he goes red then Im there

The joys of a blog is that they kinda let you chronicle stuff. Im single, again, but this time its legit.

Funny how on the weekend I looked most forward to, things went pear shaped. Saved me alot of effort I guess cuz now I dont have to go through with what I had planned for Sunday but its chilled. Im not gonna be bitter, admittedly I did want it to happen and yes Im bummed but haha whats happened has happened.

Anyway to the point of this post. I was following what Hamilton had to say today and apparently he tuned Red Bull. See now that is chilled except for the fact that he's rumoured to be their next drever. Imagine Seb and Lewis as mates. It'd be hard for him to stamp around on someone elses ground. He was chilled when Jenson and Fernando came to McLaren cuz thats his home but now to branch out? I would support him and Seb, I know they'd be a brillaint partnership, dramatic but brilliant.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Dont try this at home, you may stop believing in us.

So today by some random chance I stumbled across a program, its a silly program and yet it has a huge following. On the tv was wrestling. Not proper wrestling that is considered a sport but wrestling that is considered entertainment.

I dont know how people can be entertained by something that is fake. I cant stand it, if I had something and it was fake and had no meaning then obviously I wouldn't want it, unless of course I was proving a point but what the hell is up with that? I mean you can see that the punches are fake, the kicks dont connect and I was laughing when the one guy fell a bit too soon without any form of connection. There's always one of those big muscled apes in the ring with a microphone speaking smack about someone and then the crowd, which suprisingly is always full, will boo and cheer and then the guy will leave and they'll fight and its all scripted but people still watch it? There is always a massive crowd around the arena and people go all out with their banners of T shirts and such things, it boggles the mind.

Like I now Top Gear isn't as real as we once thought. The presenters dont always do all that driving by themselves, Ben Collins tested the Vampire before it nearly killed Hammond and yes The Stig is just a suit but at least that has a sense to it. Its impromptu and the script ends up being just a guideline at the end of the day but its still not as fresh as we think it is but yet its still watched by tens of millions of people everytime and we just cant help it.

I guess as a people we like fake. It gives us a sorta sense of belonging like if I cant get the real thing then I might as well settle for second best you know. But that just ruins the point, that breaks the human spirit and you're kinda like "Well this model broke after only a week of usage Jimmy still has his?" That's all fine and dandy but what you forget is that it was never real in the first place.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I had a good day yesterday. Spent the morning with Queenie and we were in Durban of all places, even if we got a bit lost and had to sorta negotiate our way through streets and traffic but it was good.

Despite how much I enjoyed my morning, my evening wasn't of the same quality. I had this annoying thing in the back of my head, just sitting there tainting my good vibes and strangely, for some reason I got seriously bleak. Like I dont know why I did or what caused it but I had a moment where I was genuinely gutted over something. Now when you're bothered by something you generally tend to tell people and usually talkin about it helps or something but I sometimes dont do that.

Well I tried it yesterday. I tried to tell someone I thought as a given should kinda understand and make me feel better but if Im honest, it just felt like I was wasting my time. Lately all I do is speak to myself and that gets tiresome and that just made things worse but alas in all my strange deep seeded misery there shined a beacon of hope.

See I've known Stace for a while now and first and foremost she is a really great friend of mine. I can actually say her and I share the same thinking. We're on the same wavelength, its actually kinda scary cuz I need not say much and yet she'll know what I mean or vice versa. Its like having your brain manifested in someone elses head. Sometimes I kinda freak out and wonder how it works but it just does. I didnt have to say much, I didnt feel silly doing so and most importantly I got that sorta reassuring pat on the back. So I thank you lady, you really made light of a heavy situation and I appreciate it. Haha its funny how we share similar predicaments as well...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Im still quite down about my dog being dead and all

Sometimes I forget that He's dead. Like its all fair and stuff but he was only a dog but ah it doesn't work like that, him being an animal doesn't negate the effect he had. Just now I noticed we were low on dog food and then it hit me that its pointless cuz He's gone now.

See Supernova started life at an early age. I still remember when I got him. It was during christmas and I was at my uncles house and his neighbour's dog had just had a litter and I decided that I would definately have one of those, I remember my parents coming to pick me up a week later and I had a dog in this box and they were like shot for askin us if we wanted another dog. I remember the first night he cried and crapped under the table and I had to clean it up, I went to bed at 3 that night and I had to be up early cuz I was going to Uvongo with A-dawg.

Come to think of it homie was a bit of a handful. He always listened to me though which I digged but he was influenced by my other unfortunate dog. I remember one night waking up to dogs barking and they were by the fence and by some magic they managed to get over the fence and everyone else was sleeping so I woke up in the middle of the night and went outside looking for my dogs, it was when we still lived in New Germany and it was scary being out at night and they did that twice in one night and I was like nort screw you guys you can just sleep in my room cuz Im not going out to get you. I was a lightie back then and Supernova was a little seun. He had a terrible temper, didnt like to be disturbed when he was eating and you couldn't stand next to him either or he'd growl at you. I used to watch them dogs play with each other and sometimes I'd join in and sure I got ate but it was fun cuz homies were my mates.

With the demise of my first dog came the depression. Haha ah Supernova sat in the flower bed for a whole week and he didnt eat, he was properly bleak that his mate croaked. And then he adopted our neighbours puppy. Haha ah he smuggled him into our garden and they were searching and searching and we found them parking in the kennel just choonin chuzdog. That was the cutest puppy I'd ever seen, pity they gave it away... I remember one morning before school, we were gonna go on an outing and me and my dad were up early so we decided to take the dogs for a walk and homie was glued to my side, he always was my dog.

Everytime I came home from school he'd be parking on our verge and he'd see me coming down the street and he'd get up, get all amped and then He'd run to me down the road. Haha ah thinkin about that bit there got me a little choked up. Haha and homie stole my big pillow recently and it became him, it sits outside the back door where he used to sleep during the day. Sometimes it worried people when he'd just randomly escape out his various secret places out the fence but he was harmless, Im pretty certain Im the only person my dogs ever bit or caused any harm to, Haha the bastards.

Ah well there's a dog barking in the distance, wonder who's dog it is?

Today I lost my best mate

My dog croaked... Wait no saying he croaked would mean he died of natural causes. My dog was murdered.... Somewhere between 2 in the morning and just now, about 13:47, someone went and killed my dog.

I was making food and I failed to boil an egg properly so I was like chilled I'll give it to the dog so I went out the back to where his pillow is and he wasn't there, I went up front by the driveway where he sometimes hangs and he wasn't there, I found him lying under a tree, covered in some sort of gunk and as stiff as crap. At first I thought he was sleeping so I called him but nope nothing so I was like laka my dog is dead. I didnt really need to sit there and stare at him to realize that he was dead, I went in the house and told my mom and like you know when you sorta jokingly say something but you actually mean it so we went outside and I poked his head with a stick and homie was gone. The thing is though I know he was alive at about 2 in the morning cuz I heard him barking, He's been a good warning system in the past and now He's just dead. Im willing to bet a million pounds he was killed cuz it looks like he puked all over himself and there has been some bleeding. He has this little place where he ventures out and goes on his various adventures in the middle of the night and somewhere it all turned bad, it looks like he just about managed to get home and crawl up and die.

Haha Im quite bleak. Both of my dogs have never have a decent death. The first one got swept away in heavy rain and fell down this cliff thing and I found him a week later faaaar at the bottom dead as crap and now I had to go find my beloved Supernova dead as well. He's been my best mate since forever. I got him from my uncles place in Port Shepstone in about 2004 or something and he was this lovely obedient little rat that did everything with me and now He's just gone and croaked, been murdered.

Being a man legally now Im in charge of his funeral arrangements. I would have him cremated but its too short notice and I dont want anyone burning my dog and turning him into a belt. Last time we buried the other dog outside my room but I think dear Supernova will forever rest underneath that tree, flipping hell man...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Welcome to Camp Nou, leave your cool at the door.

So here I am, watching tv after about a week or so, our decoder went belly up and it still hasn't returned but Im quite sure it'll be back for the start of the season so Im not stressed at all.

So now Im busy watching the Arsenal and Barca game as I write this and strangely this is the greatest game I've seen in a while. Its not that its full of goals because right now at the 60th minute its just 1-1 but so much has gone on. Honestly this ref is the most stupid person I've come across. Barca should have at least 3 cards by now, they've been the worlds greatest actors and its really gotten underneath Arsenals nails, Arsenal the team known for their supremacy and cool heads are really playing like Sunderland, what with Nasri bumping chests and Wilshere being a stone wall and Van Persie shoving people over. I think its flipping funny cuz each time a little incident like that happens there's always a stand off and I think stand offs in sport are just fantastic.

I love seeing them getting hot under the collar, I love watching these guys getting filled with emotion and I love reading their lips as they scream their various profanites. The best though has to be the fans that you hear in the background, one I'll never forget is the guy behind Malouda during a Chelsea game shouting, "Wanker, wanker. You fxxking wanker!".

I feel for Van Persie cuz in my eyes both his yellows were kinda suspect but his second yellow was undeserved. The ref was being a proper prick when he made that call honestly.

What I also love, with all these things going on Barca are just chilling, making their timed runs and honest to God I swear they aren't converting on purpose. They're keeping things interesting and just annoying Arsenal even more which is making me laugh even harder. Im not gonna claim to be a soccer guru because the truth is Im not but you just cant enjoy these things if you dont know whats potting, you've got to follow the sport in some capacity and lately its the only thing I've been keeping up to date on.

Well right now it seems Arsenal have come to Camp Nou and choked, I expected nothing less and unless a miracle comes their way then unlucky buddy but I told you your team has no hope...