Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I had a good day yesterday. Spent the morning with Queenie and we were in Durban of all places, even if we got a bit lost and had to sorta negotiate our way through streets and traffic but it was good.

Despite how much I enjoyed my morning, my evening wasn't of the same quality. I had this annoying thing in the back of my head, just sitting there tainting my good vibes and strangely, for some reason I got seriously bleak. Like I dont know why I did or what caused it but I had a moment where I was genuinely gutted over something. Now when you're bothered by something you generally tend to tell people and usually talkin about it helps or something but I sometimes dont do that.

Well I tried it yesterday. I tried to tell someone I thought as a given should kinda understand and make me feel better but if Im honest, it just felt like I was wasting my time. Lately all I do is speak to myself and that gets tiresome and that just made things worse but alas in all my strange deep seeded misery there shined a beacon of hope.

See I've known Stace for a while now and first and foremost she is a really great friend of mine. I can actually say her and I share the same thinking. We're on the same wavelength, its actually kinda scary cuz I need not say much and yet she'll know what I mean or vice versa. Its like having your brain manifested in someone elses head. Sometimes I kinda freak out and wonder how it works but it just does. I didnt have to say much, I didnt feel silly doing so and most importantly I got that sorta reassuring pat on the back. So I thank you lady, you really made light of a heavy situation and I appreciate it. Haha its funny how we share similar predicaments as well...

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