Friday, January 20, 2012

The Ex Factor.

The other day I was sitting on a couch, having a beer with a friend focussing all my attention on Pop videos and I was lost in thought.

When a relationship fails, like it most probably will at some point, there is a huge difference between the two people involved. There is always that one person who will move on straight away, they've accepted what has happened and whether it's pride or the way they're wired up, they go on with life in their stride, not pausing for a second. Then there is the other person, the one that takes it a little harder and takes a while to get going, they stumble a bit but after a while they set their legs straight and are able to stand tall.

After a break up, people should be more supportive. Nothing is better than a clean break because then both parties move on better but once everyone is on their feet, let's be friends you know. There is nothing more sickening than an ex that feels the need to tub their personal life in the face of another, like how things were done in primary school. It's not "I've found someone new, look at me." it's, "I've found someone new, how about you?". There is always going to be a degree of caring going on but there is a huge difference between friendship and relationship. I don't feel for those I've had a thing with the same as I did whilst we were together, they're the same as a friend and so I don't care as much as I used to and vice versa but that doesn't mean it's an all out war. I've come across so much juvenile stupidity lately that I sometimes wonder why to even bother. I know in the long run people get over their insecurities and see that what they thought was a wolf is actually a sheep in shaggy clothing and the only way to prove that is to get close enough for their warped eyes to see but if people aren't willing to focus, it gets tiresome.

As is always been the way I've seen things, people really should just chill and let things go, life moves on. I'll grab a coffee with you and I'll get you back home but you gotta relax and realize any other friend would do the same, that's what I am.

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