Thursday, January 19, 2012

You're a lost hour

These quiet, late hours. Who are they and what do they want? Who are you? What are you doing here? Do you serve a purpose? Are you on your way? Are you doing your own will? Are you lost? Have you been here before, seen this place? Do you know what will happen as if a script had been given to you? Do I know you? Do you know you? Am I you or are you me? Are we even the same person? Do you like me? I don't know if I like you, I don't really know you. How did you get here? Was it by plane, boat or maybe a donkey horse? One of those horses that likes a donkey too much and they start dating for a few years, get engaged and married. They decide to settle down but get so swept up in their lives and careers that they barely know each other anymore, always coming home to an empty house but sharing the same communal bed. They think having a baby is the answer, yeah what good that'll do. Soon they have this thing to faff over. Sure it brings them together for a little while but them life resumes and they start to hate it, to resent it. It's holding them back, keeping them from continuing on. It needs so much attention, whose bright idea was it to have it? Send it away, its painful to look at it.

Is that how you came? On the back of a broken beast? If you did I'd understand. I'm not asking too much am I? Don't answer that, I know I am. It's not like I'm really expecting any answers, I guess I already know what you're going to say. Why aren't you one person? Why are you spread all over like cheap no name spread? You know that one, the one that barely covers the bread and you keep adding on and on and on and on, till you get this thick gunk of whatever the hell it is after that. You bite into that thing and all you're eating is mush with a convenient bread layer, just for taste. Anyway, you must be quite tired now. I'm sure you weren't the most comfortable person on your journey, your brain must be knackered. Put it down for a second, put it in this jar, it will be refreshed, it needs a bit of a rest. Looks like you did quite a job on it anyway.

I don't know why you came if I'm honest. I don't know what you're wanting to find, I don't know if you'll find anything anyway. I'm not gonna stop you though, I'm not gonna help you either. I don't like you, I don't see any point in doing that, there is no benefit for me out of this, although there really isn't anything for you to benefit either I suppose. Well I never know with you, you're a wiley fox. You're the boisterous boil on the buttock of a flatulent baboon. Look at all your silly light hearted mockings, they're all over the place. You should probably clean that up sometime, not now though, rest a bit, they'll get used to them.

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