Friday, August 9, 2013

Ponini's Forced Post.

"The worst thing you can do is try get rid of your loneliness with someone else. Every person you're ever with that leaves you, will leave you with their own tailored form of heartbreak. No two break ups are ever the same and there is no standard way of dealing with it. That's the siff lesson I've come to learn."

You can't try fill the gap in your life that someone left with another body, it doesn't work like that. You're out there doing all you can to try and forget the times and erase the memories by trying to build something new with someone else but I can promise you that what you're doing now is the wrong way of dealing with things. There comes a time in our lives where we have to accept this truth and accept that we are powerless.

I can go and throw my double bed out and replace it with a single bed. When it comes down to it, both are beds. But there is a big difference between the two. Yes, they both may let me have a comfortable sleep but I'll always remember when I could roll around a few more times in the night and not have to worry about falling out onto the floor. It's very much the same with a break up. No two people in your life will ever be the same. No two people in your life will ever leave the same mark. We're different in how we look and different in how we impact the lives of others. Every person I know, that I've ever been with and I've ever had the pleasure of allowing into my life has left a footprint so vastly different to anyone else that if I ever even thought of going out to try find another like them, it would never work. This is why I think Someone Like You by Adele is one of the worst songs ever released onto us, as impressionable human beings.

Moving on in essence is quite like trying to find a replacement. It's something we have to do eventually, in time, and it is one of the most freeing things that can happen to the human soul. Being able to look back from a better place to where you once were before is something that we really should learn to not take for granted. I wrote this post not because I feel like I was going out in a bid to replace someone in my life. This isn't about a love lost or the need to find another to justify who I am. No, this is my lowbrow attempt at trying to understand how humans work. At the end of the day we are judged by those around us and when we're all alone, we feel as if we need to immerse ourselves in the worlds of others because if we're left for too long with our own devices, we may hate what our minds may have to say. I love my mind. We've been together for a long time now and I feel we'll be together for an even longer one to come.

Sent from my BlackBerry®

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