Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday Drains.

This has been one of those days where I'd just like to set a small piece of it on fire and watch it catch alight and burn down with the rest of the bitter hours it brought along.

Okay, that's a bit much, today wasn't that bad. It started off very early, as my days tend to do and I was running late before I even had a chance to switch the TV on for some Sky Sports News. You know how some people have a ritual every day? Some wake up to the same breakfast or have gotten out of bed the same way for the last 50 years? Well, I like to watch SSN. It has the perfect mix of beautiful women and sports that just gets my mind cogs swirling and my day going. This morning though, I missed it, every time. I'd put the channel on, adverts. Walk off to make breakfast, hear it's on and when I come back, adverts. Sneeze, adverts. Cough, adverts. Blink, adverts. You get my drift. It just wasn't working.

By 7:15 I was basically late and then half way to Hillcrest I realised that I'd left all my work behind on my desk and I'd also left my towel behind so gym afterwards was looking doubtful. I get there and thankfully I was herded into the little room where Travis likes to take his women for mating purposes. Him and Sibson were in there, I won't ask as to what they were doing but it was a good place to do some work. The biggest turn around though for me had to be Brissie. Well done Angry Isabella Merchant, you made a normally dour experience into an entertaining one.

By 12 I was feeling beat as poes and by the time 2 o'clock came and I was giving my change to a man who needed money to get home after I'd bought a new towel, the last thing I wanted to do was work out. Today was by far one of the better sessions. I walked out of there feeling dehydrated and siff as ever but refreshed on another level. It's like I was dragged behind a Jeep for hours and then dumped into a cooling spring as my reward. So I mean it stands to reason then that I should be asleep by now. I should be kieshed out like a light, I feel it creeping and it's gonna be a big sleep tonight. This is the first time I've felt properly drained since my shoddy attempts at being Ashley Cole on Sunday. It's also the first time I've been able to walk properly since we played that game. And then end this blog post however you want, I'm tired now.

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