Thursday, July 28, 2011

A decade is a long time ago

I was just thinking about the time when lions suffered from TB. That was only a few years back, like 5 or something but even so, that feels like ages ago. Then I started thinking about days even further and so much time has gone by.

Ten years ago I was in grade 1, Edleen Primary school in Kempton Park, Johannesburg. That was 2001, a long time ago. Mrs. Fletcher was my teacher, she doesn't really stand out much besides being a lady with brown hair who took us for sports once. There were four houses at the school, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Topaz. I was in Topaz and we had yellow squares. My best mate was a Malawian boy by the name of Regis Majawa and he could run fast which is why he was my best mate. Back then your best friend was the person who could do the coolest stuff, you didnt bother about looks or character or anything else, if he can run faster than you then he's perfect, doesn't matter that he looks like a chimp. My dad would drop me off at school mostly but when he was away I would walk to school cuz it was close. In hindsight it actually wasn't that close, especially for a little boy but coming home I would walk with a bunch of mates. I liked a new girl often. At first when we first moved to Joburg, I liked this coloured doll named Faith. She was the only one I vaguely knew on the first day. I remember offering to take her some homework cuz she was sick the one day and her house was by my house so I went on my way home to her place and no one came to the gate and it was open so I went in and she was about to go bath and was naked and I was so shocked, it was the stuff of porn films. There was this other girl named Ronwyn that I had a thing for but I think Regis may have liked her. Then there was Basi. Poor girl liked me for ages and she was pretty decent but her main flaw was that she was taller than me. She would buy me pies all the time, Im pretty sure she's the one that turned me into a bint. I remember I once told my mom to not make me lunch cuz I wanted to do it so I made myself Tomato Sauce sandwiches and then at break I realized that that was a flipping crap idea and Basi bought me a pie. She held my hand in class once and I got a boner, didnt know what that crap was.

There was another doll, one of the mates I used to walk home with, cant remember her name. She was my first valentine. A few months later I found out she liked this guy called Morgan. Morgan was a great guy, we all played together at break sometimes but she was my valentine, how could she like another boy? I think that was when I first tasted jealousy involving a girl, I couldn't fathom my girl liking another boy even tho she was just my mate because I told her one day when we were walking home that Morgan called her a bitch. The next day when we were lining up for class she tuned him and he didnt know what was cutting, poor guy was so confused. I didnt feel bad. Looking back I can say that was a dick move on my part completely. I've since come to learn that guys just dont do that crap, if anything, I was the bitch.

There are actually so many things, place, but mainly people that I remember from back then. It's a shame I forget so many new ones.
I was just thinking about the time when lions suffered from TB. That was only a few years back, like 5 or something but even so that feels like ages ago. Then I started thinking about days even further and so much time has gone by.

Ten years ago I was in grade 1, Edleen Primary school in Kempton Park, Johannesburg. That was 2001, a long time ago. Mrs. Fletcher was my teacher, she doesn't really stand out much besides has being a lady with brown hair who took us for sports once. There were four houses at the school, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Topaz. I was in Topaz and we had yellow squares. My best mate was a Malawian boy by the name of Regis Majawa and he could run fast which is why he was my best mate. Back then your best friend was the person who could do the coolest stuff, you didnt bother about looks or character or anything else, if he can run faster than you then he's perfect. My dad would drop of off at school mostly but when he was away I would walk to school cuz it was close. In hindsight it actually wasn't that close, especially for a little boy but coming home I would walk with a bunch of mates. I liked a new girl often. At first when we first moved to Joburg, I liked this coloured doll named Faith. She was the only one I vaguely knew on the first day. I remember offering to take her some homework cuz she was sick the one day and her house was by my house so I went on my way home to her place and no one came to the gate and it was open so I went in and she was about to go bath and was naked and I was so shocked, it was the stuff of porn films. There was this other girl named Ronwyn that I had a thing for but I think Regis may have liked her. Then there was Basi. Poor girl liked me for ages and she was pretty decent but her main flaw was that she was taller than me. She would buy me pies all the time, Im pretty sure she's the one that turned me into a bint. I remember I once told my mom to not make me lunch cuz I wanted to do it so I made myself Tomato Sauce sandwiches and then at break I realized that that was a flipping crap idea and Basi bought me a pie. She held my hand in class once and I got a boner, didnt know what that crap was.

There was another doll, one of the mates I used to walk home with, cant remember her name. She was my first valentine. A few months later I found out she liked this guy called Morgan. Morgan was a great guy, we all played together at break sometimes but she was my valentine, how could she like another boy? I think that was when I first tasted jealousy involving a girl, I couldn't fathom my girl liking another boy even tho she was just my mate because I told her one day when we were walking home that Morgan called her a bitch. The next day when we were lining up for class she tuned him and he didnt know what was cutting, poor guy was so confused. I didnt feel bad. Looking back I can say that was a dick move on my part completely. I've since come to learn that guys just dont do that crap, if anything, I was the bitch.

There are actually so many things, place, but mainly people that I remember from back then. It's a shame I forget so many new ones.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I could write something down, it could say anything really and I could give it to someone else to read, what are the chances of that person understanding it like how I intended?

I was just thinking about how any written material out there could be misunderstood or interpreted in a way it wasn't intended to. Like I can say, "Tony the Tiger really did like a little frosties." Now people could read that and be like, "Well yeah, Tony the Tiger is the Frosties mascot so it makes sense for him to like his own product." Now thats all great and true and what not but what if I meant Tony liked a bit of cocaine? What if I meant Tony liked a little bit of ice in his veins? When last did you flipping see Tony the Tiger? Dude is in flipping rehab man for a coke addiction most probabaly, no one gets so excited over sugar coated corn flakes like that without a little bit of motivation.

Like seriously, we could think things are simply written before us in a manner we can all understand but it could be something completely different, just hidden in plain sight. Artists and authors have this amazing power when writing something because they can go and pretty much convey any message across but word it as something completely different, that intrigues me. Abusing Of The Rib by Atmosphere, you'd be forgiven to think that he's talking about some girl he met and how he wants to understand her so well but no, the whole song is about the state of hip hop. Fxxk You Lucy is another example. That song sounds like he's real pissed with his ex or something, a serious thing to swallow but that song is about his alcohol addiction. We tend to accept things in our own way and understanding because we never stop to think that just maybe, things aren't always what they seem.

Im only a person

There has been global speculation to my merits and morals, like a whole 5 people have questioned me. You know I try very hard to remember to use my common good sense and practice my upstanding citizenship but Im afraid I fail sometimes. I've been told Im a bad love interest and have been called a terrible person and you know this is all so very true, I wont even begin to deny it.

It's true I drink a lot. I have two litres of water everyday, right now Im attacking the bottle and yes I've been pissing like a race horse although I've never actually seen how a race horse urinates because that kinda thing just doesn't rock my boat and is frankly quite disgusting to think about. I've been doing this weekly ever since a certain girl said I could never finish 5 litres of water.

Have I been taking drugs? Yes I have. Unfortunately I caught an STD the other day, Im not ashamed to admit I caught a Sneeze Transferred Disease. Yes my loose living has landed me the flu and yes I am popping Flutex capsules to try quail the disease. In my defence they work quite well, by sunday I should be completely out of the woods.

Im told I've been seen with a lot of women lately. You know what, Im not gonna lie to anyone here, lying is bad. I did go shopping with my Mom and Aunt yes, I admit.

Have I gotten off on the bad luck of others? Damn straight I have. I flipping rejoiced when Seb had that moment in the pits that cost him the race even tho Alonso won.

Am I a lazy lover? Of course I am. I love being lazy. Nothing satisfies more than knowing you should be doing something but you arent, someone else will do it.

I am by no means a role model for the children. I've never helped out Charity because I unfortunately dont know anyone by that name. I've never given blood before cuz I dont think that'd make a good present at any birthday party really. So yes I am a bad person Im afraid, everyone is right about me, I wont begin to deny but really maybe one day I'll come round, maybe.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Strictly speaking

I've probably written thousands of scathing posts in my head that'll never be posted. A million little letters of hate that'll never see the light of day. Billions of words that once put out there, could never be retracted or forgotten.

You ever tried painting over cracks? It looks good for a while, could even look brand new but once the paint dries, there's always that faint line of a crack still visible. Im no expert on anything but I have an opinion on everything. Im learnered enough to know right from wrong, I can deduce when something is true or or not, why cant others? General classification of people can be very dangerous. I do it often and most times it's generally true but there are those that slip through the holes, the ones that make you take notice but when you do, is it all worth it?

Bending something till it breaks is never wise. I once had a Power Ranger action figure whose feet weren't meant to touch but I still did it. I know I wasn't meant to but I did it anyway and when I did, I thought well that wasn't so bad, so I carried on. His legs broke a short while after that. I snapped today, I just felt myself be drained from my very soul, I felt like a basin being emptied. Why cant the playing field be level? If you wanna play a game, play fair. I didnt lose because I didnt know the rules, I lost because if I played it the way you did, you'd be dead.

I dont do open, I dont do exposed, I dont make promises I dont intend to keep, I dont get laughs out of frying emotions with my big bad magnifying glass. Do I feel silly? Yes I do. Do I like it? Not a chance. Am I an idiot? No, Im a flipping boss.

I was called stupid the other day. Speaking to this person and she said something along the lines of, "Your stupidity is what makes people realize their mistakes?". Haha I laughed at this, I thought to myself, "Who are you again? What possible claim do you have to speak such crap when you yourself were only an inch away from a certain shattering? Do you not understand that at that time my every intention was to destroy? Who are you to question me? I only remember your name because of the name tag above your head.". Haha shame.

I think Im nice, Im probably deluding myself. But I do think Im nice to those Im fond of. Sure half of them dont notice or just couldn't be bothered but thats not my baby anymore.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Adapt or Die: Basic Animal Instincts 101

To survive, we have to adapt. Some animals adapt to the heat, some to cold, wet, dry, rocky, lush, and so forth. There is no such thing as having one thing one way all the time.

As humans we also have to adapt to survive. Country people must adapt to the rules and ways of city life and a city slicker wont get pretty far in the country if he keeps his same ways. Situations tend to come up where we either have to adapt to them or let them blow us over and kill and eat us. Like if you really think about it, the only reason we're where we are now is because we're constantly adapting to things and not letting them get us. Im not one who likes to be dependant on another emotionally, I think that's stupid and leads to too many unnecessary complications. I'll never be the kind that sits and accepts the annoyance that comes with emotional dependancy. I cant do that sorta thing no matter how I've tried
Chameleons are clever. They know what goes on. You'll never see one in brilliant blue glory whilst standing on a red surface. They know that with enough effort they can make a whole situation suit them, they know how to deal with change, they make it their own.

I also came to the conclusion that Im never ever gonna aspire to be a magnificent boyfriend. Do you know how flipping hard that crap is? Im still much too extended to even try be a hero. Now Im not saying I dont pull off any heroics because really I just cant help being a hero but I have witnessed the attempts of others in varying degrees that Im quite satisfied with myself. Being someone's boyfriend is all about being a hero. Females are all about wanting that guy that can do it all according to their unbelievable standards, that like really make us die. Im only this person here, I do this and that and leave out bits and pieces where I see fit. I work brilliantly and I can happily say that I am not modelled the same.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

"There is beauty beyond, but there's no turning back"

I am yet to see another image as great as this.

I'll try, but I'll get caught out...

Have you ever attempted to not do something but then half way through, you realized you couldnt? It takes superhuman effort to give up something you love, its just so flipping hard...

I get caught out by the This-Juice-Is-So-Good factor so many times that it just hurts me to think of it. I cant stop chugging juice once its on my lips. Strangely I have the biggest problem with orange juice, mainly Oros. Everything else I can sorta handle, Im not perfect but I can handle the siren calls of the bottom of the glass but Oros, she is my weakness. I used to flipping hate Oros cuz it was concentrate and laziness always won me over but now not even that can keep me away. I have a 2 litre bottle of water that lives in the fridge that I hack away at each day, filling it up before I go to bed but from time to time when I have a super breakfast foods breakfast, I will have at least two half litres of Orange Necter. I actually smaak that stuff quite a bit. The day my mom bought our first 5 litre Oros home, I knew I loved her.

Haha food is great and everything but what really gets me is a good drink.

All girls are the same

After 18 years of walking on this earth, I think its safe to say that in certain situations, gender is the basis for reaction.

Not too long ago I came loose from a joint venture of emotions with my partner and it didnt end as best as I'd have hoped. Like chilled I didnt really mind because I was under the impression that my efforts were frikin crap so I didnt think it was unwarrented but I've come to realize that really, I wasn't so jutt. There is another who has entered back into the sea of singledom has been given the same reaction. It seems that no matter who you are, if you're a boy then you just automatically "dont care" once everything is over, you are told that you never gave a crap and you weren't there when they were here and all these other things that when are actually taken into account, are not so true.

I used to get frikin annoyed when all these things were said to me because I thought it must've been a once off thing that really made me doubt my ability to be a good enough partner but now its all just funny. Is it just the standard female reaction to lash out? Is there an unwritten rule that the guy must take the blame for everything cuz if there is then no one knows cuz all guys seem to do the same. I have nothing against being blamed because in most cases like that I would've done crap all so its ok when the girls hit their psycho stage cuz it doesn't affect the male psyche.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Interest in people

You learn a lot about a person when you are both human. Its easier to understand the workings of a plug when you open it and take a peek inside, you can tell the contents of a sandwich by lifting the slice of bread and having a look inside. Humans are the same.

Had a really great braai at Scunthorpe's as per usual, a good mix of mates that know their story. Chilled with a mix of girls I've known for a while now but never actually gotten to know one on one because of various distractions but today I decided to be a hero and be heroic, thus being a hero and having it pay off. Haha I didnt get completely wasted, I had two quartz which strangely didnt affect me too much which is good because I have my wits about me but I can still have relaxed fun.

Oh ya, I dont like people being all up in my grove. It's cute and everything when people try their luck somewhere and its almost commendable to try but I dont like people getting too comfortable. I dont get jealous, no, I set records straight. Haha its still funny.

Friday, July 1, 2011

I still cant work my titles

Music honestly makes everything better. Im not so dead after a good sesh. I dont know why but it just sounds so much better when you feel somewhat close to death. I listen to it every night cuz it helps me sleep but it sounds a million times better when inebriated and it sounds even better the next day when you just want to be sucked into a hole. My love for Indie music escalates on days like this when it just soothes the soul, Im loving the mixture between Bloc Party and Foals, Foals make a full on attempt to win my heart and I'll admit, they have my attention.

I think sometimes, if it weren't for stuff like this, life would be very boring. Like it sometimes takes something bad to apprecate something good. If I didnt feel like death I woulnt feel as great as I do now. I feel like I've stepped into my world again, a lovely place of sense and Msiziesque order where only I know whats going on because only I know what the time is and right now its time to relax. Im not here to start a war, Im not going to start a fire, Im not going to carve up the mountain, Im going to do exactly as I was and I most definately will enjoy it, you're all most welcome to join in.

Haha ahhh Im going to hate life very soon, I can tell but I'll love it more than anything, I'll be in love till Im dead.


Well yesterday was interesting. After walking to Waterfall with a pair of oversized pants on and an aching boy, all I wanted was a Dagwood, chips and a glass of water, all I got was a Dagwood. I hated the fact that there was no power so they couldnt give us chips and no water strangely.

Ahh On Cue was good. Sitting in a pool hall with the guys just having beers is a good way to spend your Phuza Thesday. We had a decent amount of lovely brewed glory and Im gonna feel it all later, Im gonna have a sickly hangover that'll make me its bitch but it was worth it. From now on its advisable to go out with Shane. Robbie taking us to Mc Donalds and home was too funny, I've broken shoulder after bailing so hard. Haha my poor ouchies

On a side note, I couldnt be the kinda boyfriend that stressed over his girl. Like I know how girls want to be fussed over and crap and I can do that but I cant do it to extremes where I stress over where shes going and with who and doing what, like seriously, there is a life outside all that.