Sunday, July 17, 2011

Strictly speaking

I've probably written thousands of scathing posts in my head that'll never be posted. A million little letters of hate that'll never see the light of day. Billions of words that once put out there, could never be retracted or forgotten.

You ever tried painting over cracks? It looks good for a while, could even look brand new but once the paint dries, there's always that faint line of a crack still visible. Im no expert on anything but I have an opinion on everything. Im learnered enough to know right from wrong, I can deduce when something is true or or not, why cant others? General classification of people can be very dangerous. I do it often and most times it's generally true but there are those that slip through the holes, the ones that make you take notice but when you do, is it all worth it?

Bending something till it breaks is never wise. I once had a Power Ranger action figure whose feet weren't meant to touch but I still did it. I know I wasn't meant to but I did it anyway and when I did, I thought well that wasn't so bad, so I carried on. His legs broke a short while after that. I snapped today, I just felt myself be drained from my very soul, I felt like a basin being emptied. Why cant the playing field be level? If you wanna play a game, play fair. I didnt lose because I didnt know the rules, I lost because if I played it the way you did, you'd be dead.

I dont do open, I dont do exposed, I dont make promises I dont intend to keep, I dont get laughs out of frying emotions with my big bad magnifying glass. Do I feel silly? Yes I do. Do I like it? Not a chance. Am I an idiot? No, Im a flipping boss.

I was called stupid the other day. Speaking to this person and she said something along the lines of, "Your stupidity is what makes people realize their mistakes?". Haha I laughed at this, I thought to myself, "Who are you again? What possible claim do you have to speak such crap when you yourself were only an inch away from a certain shattering? Do you not understand that at that time my every intention was to destroy? Who are you to question me? I only remember your name because of the name tag above your head.". Haha shame.

I think Im nice, Im probably deluding myself. But I do think Im nice to those Im fond of. Sure half of them dont notice or just couldn't be bothered but thats not my baby anymore.

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