Saturday, July 2, 2011

Interest in people

You learn a lot about a person when you are both human. Its easier to understand the workings of a plug when you open it and take a peek inside, you can tell the contents of a sandwich by lifting the slice of bread and having a look inside. Humans are the same.

Had a really great braai at Scunthorpe's as per usual, a good mix of mates that know their story. Chilled with a mix of girls I've known for a while now but never actually gotten to know one on one because of various distractions but today I decided to be a hero and be heroic, thus being a hero and having it pay off. Haha I didnt get completely wasted, I had two quartz which strangely didnt affect me too much which is good because I have my wits about me but I can still have relaxed fun.

Oh ya, I dont like people being all up in my grove. It's cute and everything when people try their luck somewhere and its almost commendable to try but I dont like people getting too comfortable. I dont get jealous, no, I set records straight. Haha its still funny.

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