Thursday, July 28, 2011

I was just thinking about the time when lions suffered from TB. That was only a few years back, like 5 or something but even so that feels like ages ago. Then I started thinking about days even further and so much time has gone by.

Ten years ago I was in grade 1, Edleen Primary school in Kempton Park, Johannesburg. That was 2001, a long time ago. Mrs. Fletcher was my teacher, she doesn't really stand out much besides has being a lady with brown hair who took us for sports once. There were four houses at the school, Ruby, Emerald, Sapphire and Topaz. I was in Topaz and we had yellow squares. My best mate was a Malawian boy by the name of Regis Majawa and he could run fast which is why he was my best mate. Back then your best friend was the person who could do the coolest stuff, you didnt bother about looks or character or anything else, if he can run faster than you then he's perfect. My dad would drop of off at school mostly but when he was away I would walk to school cuz it was close. In hindsight it actually wasn't that close, especially for a little boy but coming home I would walk with a bunch of mates. I liked a new girl often. At first when we first moved to Joburg, I liked this coloured doll named Faith. She was the only one I vaguely knew on the first day. I remember offering to take her some homework cuz she was sick the one day and her house was by my house so I went on my way home to her place and no one came to the gate and it was open so I went in and she was about to go bath and was naked and I was so shocked, it was the stuff of porn films. There was this other girl named Ronwyn that I had a thing for but I think Regis may have liked her. Then there was Basi. Poor girl liked me for ages and she was pretty decent but her main flaw was that she was taller than me. She would buy me pies all the time, Im pretty sure she's the one that turned me into a bint. I remember I once told my mom to not make me lunch cuz I wanted to do it so I made myself Tomato Sauce sandwiches and then at break I realized that that was a flipping crap idea and Basi bought me a pie. She held my hand in class once and I got a boner, didnt know what that crap was.

There was another doll, one of the mates I used to walk home with, cant remember her name. She was my first valentine. A few months later I found out she liked this guy called Morgan. Morgan was a great guy, we all played together at break sometimes but she was my valentine, how could she like another boy? I think that was when I first tasted jealousy involving a girl, I couldn't fathom my girl liking another boy even tho she was just my mate because I told her one day when we were walking home that Morgan called her a bitch. The next day when we were lining up for class she tuned him and he didnt know what was cutting, poor guy was so confused. I didnt feel bad. Looking back I can say that was a dick move on my part completely. I've since come to learn that guys just dont do that crap, if anything, I was the bitch.

There are actually so many things, place, but mainly people that I remember from back then. It's a shame I forget so many new ones.

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