Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We finally met...

I met Godzilla today, its still kinda registering, my favourite supercar and I was in it. I've seen it a coupla times on the freeway, I remember shedding a quiet tear when I first saw it.

I guess my moping was getting a bit much, my dad organized for me to go see it. I remember walking to the doors of the dealership and I was smiling like a fool. You know when you see someone you really like and you lengthen your strides and smile stupidly and get all filled with anticipation? I've only ever really done that once before so today I could really enjoy that moment but it was on a whole different level.

We got inside and I was just in my element. I was just too happy to be around that beast and then my dad said he was going cuz he had a flight to catch and so I thought well at least I saw it, all he said was find out all you can, give my details and poof he was gone.

Then they said I was gonna be taken for a drive. You know when you're content with just having something happen that you cant imagine it being any better and then you get told something that just floors you. I got into that thing, and the guy asked me what I wanted and I said hey buddy its up to you I've had my fun. Putting that seat belt on pretty much sealed my fate. We had the usual chat about the specs and such things, things I already knew but you gotta check to see if they know what they're going on about. Many dealers have missed a sale with my dad because they didnt know what they were talking about and when he makes a phone call and his son knows more than what you know about what you're selling, you know you've just lost out on a deal.

Driving in my favourite supercar is something thats so hard to explain. Its like waking up to realize that its christmas, your birthday, channukah, every single public holiday and school holiday pushed into one. I've never been so happy before, those 3.8 seconds to 100 were magic. Haha ah I used to think I'd felt what rapid acceleration was, forget anything you've ever felt ever in your life before because that compared to this, is like trying literally to compare a candle to a monkey. My stomach was wrapped around the bottom of my spine and my eyes had moved to the side of my head, I was honestly punched into the back of my seat and then some asshole cut in front of us and I've never felt such braking, Im pretty sure I felt every single meal I've ever eaten in my whole life being summoned up and all of this done in the wet is just phenomenal.

So my new mate Wilhelm tells me that these beasts in S.A come with 370kw of power, thats about the same kinda power Hitler had and it turned him into a madman. Nothing I've done has ever made me that happy, knowing that after 3 years of reading, searchin, joinin forums and signing petitions, it all led up to this beast being unleashed on our little docile country and I being given the chance to experience it, frikin amazing...

After today really I am willing to forgo food, water, electricity, a bed and girls just to have that thing in my life...

Othello by any other name

There's always some sort of reaction I get when people find out who Im dating, not necessarily who but her skin colour.

Its always "Whats her name? Ok cool, is she black?". The reaction after that isn't always so predictable. Its either I get a high 5, a shake of the hand, a huge band with dancing girls and brazilian fire-eaters or one of those looks that you kinda give to a dying dog after its been hit by a train, the poor thing didnt know what it was doing and before it knew it, death was calling, why did it go out when it had everything it wanted at home?

I dont get why its such a huge deal. If I happen to be with a white doll at the time some people see it as an achievement of sorts. If I was dating a bear or a crocodile or a car then I would understand, then I would be doing something huge that deserves a reputation. Just recently a bunch of girls got all aggro with me claiming they were obviously not good enough because they were black, you weren't good enough cuz you are haggard and annoy me, thats the end of it.

What I have noticed tho is that none of the black girls I've dated seem to have a very strong black name. There was Kayleigh Black who was black funny enough, there was Cindy, there was Amy, there was Minnie and granted her name is Minenhle but no one calls her that, all the Minenhle's I know are called Mini, its like an unwritten rule of the world, strange cats...

The one time my uncle once said if I married a white doll he would disown me, that would be funny because firstly im not getting married and I sure as hell am not getting married for his sake. My dad probably wouldn't care, he'd probably be like ok well thats nice. My mom would be interesting. She'd be amped that I've found someone else to feed me but there is always the case of is any girl good enough for her son. I guess with any interracial relationship there is always the stigma of whether or not keeping with your own kind isn't the right thing to do. Personally I dont give a crap, I've been through that and dealt with what comes of it and the only thing that I can say has phased me is whether or not my family would accept me marrying a crocodile, that would be interesting.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Childhood dreams were a shambles

I remember my first encounter with the tooth fairy. I was in grade 1 and on the first night the stupid slag didnt rock up so I was pretty bleak, I hadn't told anyone I'd lost a tooth but I didnt think that was so important. On the second night tho I remember I scored a whole 12 bucks. Back in those days you could buy chappies for 10c I remember I spent a huge portion of my money on that. I only ever did the tooth thing once, I dont know why but after the first time it kinda lost its shine.

I remember my first encounter with Santa. I did the whole sitting on his lap and I got a remote controlled car and everything, I was amped but after that I remember how it didnt make sense because we didnt have a fire place so how did he rock up?

I didnt believe in the Easter Bunny. That I found hard to believe, how did a rabbit somehow create chocolate eggs?

Something I believed for a frikin long time tho I still remember was when my mom used to tell me that every christmas in the morning, the sun would dance and change colour. Thinking back now I can see that it was just a ploy to get us all up early so we could make the sunday service, I haven't been to one of those in about 4 years now? I remember trying to stay up all night one year and that would fail so I would try wake up early the next year and that would fail and the one time I actually pulled off waking up before the sun came up and I scoped it out and nothing happened, I was like wtf but my mom said that each time I wasn't looking it was actually doing it so for a few years after that I would keep trying. Now tho obviously I've come to realize that adults are all mean twisted liars who tell us this stuff, not because its fun for the children or anything but because we're only gonna get screwed over in the real world so why not taste disappointment at an early age. Thats why we get so gutted when we realize Santa isn't real and that the tooth fairy is a bunch of lies, I was never fond of the notion of it being a mouse tho because even as a child I had a huge thing against the minions of satan. If I ever have kids Im going to tell them heavy made up stories so everyone laughs at them and in turn they become better people and see fit to take over the world.

Friday, November 19, 2010

A fad is something that fades, a fetish lasts forever

Was just watching the "Tussen Stasies" video and its all serious and Jack and his mates know their jackets.

A coupla years back I learnt the word fetish and its always sounded weird but it works. It sounds like you're saying fatish which loosely could mean alot and a fetish I guess is over doing something. My latest fetish is now jackets. I once had a thing for phones, games, marbles, boxer shorts, headphones, at one point I was crazy over desk fans and now Im all about jackets.

Its strange because I'll go out and usually I dont give a crap about what people wear and what I see in shops but there was that one day where I had a free and I went to Edgars and came across the father of all jackets, it was like a 5 in one. It had the lapels that get me going, it had zips and buttons and two layers and was a hoodie all at the same time, I spent at least 2 weeks deciding whether I should give into its alluring charm and after going there everyday just to look at it I decided that I would finally get it and on the day I was ready they had cleared all their winter stock and my world was shattered... I've really chosen the wrong season to get into warm clothes, I sit there watching what people wear, wondering what practical use each jacket would have. Some are for partying, some are for day to day uses, some are for things like youth, some are for messing around, some are for going out on the pull, so many different things you can do with them really it boggles my mind.

I've come to the conclusion that I am not crazy for wanting jackets in summer because really it gets cold at night and everyone knows girls love it when guys offer them their warm clothes because they were too stupid to wear human clothes and pulled their outfit out of their old barbie doll house.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What a brilliant start to the day

Im super amped!

I just downloaded Voor Ons Stof Word by Van Coke Kartel and its sounds so good, for the first time in a long time mxit gave me a legit sounding download unlike that stupid thing they gave me which they claimed was Shout by Tears for Fears but it just sounded like some bored constipated teens with nothing better to do. In fact instead of sleeping I now feel like staying up late reading a book. Ah im too amped

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

At the end of the day its only a molehill

Its been said that your own truth is always going to be the one thats most correct to you so no matter what anyone else says, because its your thoughts and views that automatically makes the right and everything said by everyone else to be wrong. The same Im sure applies to the problems we face. Because they're what we see right before us we think that they are the very worst things to hit us and we start blaming everyone from ourselves all the way to God as if that'll do us any good.

Somewhere out there millions of people are starving and dying and are being killed and eaten but because its not what Im faced with, it is not my biggest concern right now. Instead of donating everything I own, including the clothes off my back, to a hospice I am too busy worried about what I've done, where Im going, how much time I've spent, if Im actually going in the right direction, all silly trivial things when you stop to think that at the end of the day sure these things are important to me but its not the end of the world. I have not died because I have to repeat another year at school. Im not dodging bombs because I had a slight fall out with my girlfriend. Im not going to have my hand chopped off because my dog is possibly dead by now, shame I think he's lived for quite a while now he's bound to die anytime soon.

All of these things may be blowing my mind wide open but come now, so what if I repeat next year, I haven't had the most normal schooling record anyway, this is just another adventure to live through and forget. So what if we had what I think to be our first little fight, all relationships are strange, they're far fetched but do-able. So what if my dog dies, he was my mate but he's faced worse, he probably wont even die the useless, two cars weren't enough so why should old age be any different.

Chill kwagg...

She likes me. She loves me

Girls are stupid.

Ok shame thats a bit harsh, we as children are stupid. So I was speaking to this one person, a girl, and she was saying how even tho she's in a happy relationship she just cant help being confused because some guy has now showed interest in her and that got me thinking quite a bit. I remember back in the old days in like grade 6 when relationships were still new and people actually dated for longer than they do now, nothing was serious, we were scared to hold hands, hugging in the first week of being official was just pushing your luck and the one thing that was a huge blemish on all this cute little perfection was how girls mostly, got so confused when someone other than their boyfriend said they liked them. I remember on numerous occasions I would be told by a few of this naive little cherubs that they didnt know if their relationships would last because so and so said they thought they looked good on the outing and once she broke up with whats his face then he would like a shot. Thats actually how most of the things worked back then it was funny and I too fell victim to the confused cherub syndrome. My FOTM of was it 5 or 6 months left me because someone had said sweet words to her and so ended our sweet little thing, I was shattered, I even remember trying to cry that night in bed cuz I heard thats what happens after a break up and even tho it failed dismally, I still felt like I had achieved something emotionally.

Anyway back to the story at hand. So this child tells me her dilemma and honestly in my head I am screaming and shooting huge full blown daggers at her. How stupid can one be, if you claim to worship the gas that comes out of your lovers body then why are you all flumoxed all of a sudden by someone saying you looked pretty the other day. I just wanted to grab this poor child by the neck and twist it till her head exploded and she saw daylight as it is. I was never a fan of that kinda stupidity back in the olden days and I cannot stand it now, it is on the list of things that annoy me in fact.

In those situations one must seriously know where their priorities lie. You must not be committed at all to what you say you are if every Tom, Dick and Harry gets you to forget where you stand and what you're all about, its pathetic...

On a completely random and useless note that has nothing to do with anythin, I just realized that now that I think of it, many friends of the girls I dated just couldn't stand me.

Its like a popular trend. Grade 5 with that girl I liked at Tala, her mates couldn't stand me. FOTM's catnip annoying friend could not bare the mere sight of me, oh how many fights did we have... Asian glue girl in grade 7, her hannah montana friends wanted me dead. Its like its some kinda popular trend for me to be hated by these who i now refer to as communists and I am so overjoyed by it. I love the fact that till this day I haven't been concerned by all those things, imagine if I'd tried to be nice to crazy cat lady and if I'd hung out with hannah montana, I would be bending over backwards to keep in the good books of a bunch of twelve year olds right now and no matter how much i like real twelve year olds, they still get confused by people complimenting them on outings.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I know what is worse than death

So many things we fail to notice from day to day, just expecting them to always be there like it was etched in stone that their presence is one of lifes constants.

Toilet paper I've come to realize plays an integral part in human society. People complain about the electricity suddenly going off and they grumble when the water disappears but the silent killer, the one thing we never quite expect to miss is in fact the toilet paper. I am pressed to take a HUGE dump but being as weird as I am, I always check to see if there's enough loo roll before i take the kids to swimming and today there is absolutely nothing in every single bathroom and we dont have those paper towels in the kitchen either so I cant even make a plan. Its tough trying to hold in a poo because every single movement you make kinda pushes your bowels and makes them want to release so now I have to lie down as not to make any sudden movements or I'll crap myself.

The only joy in all this is that there is absolutely no food so i cant eat anything to make my poo tanks full. My mom got a blender a while back and since then every single food item in the house has been blended and turned into some sorta smoothie concoction that sits in the fridge and rots. Its not like you're mean to drink them or anything, they're just there because its the biggest load of fun to watch things get diced into little tiny pieces which make up some sorta crazy juice so now I must wait until the mother returns from her shopping so i can release my tanks and full them all up again with pureéd roast beef and baby back potatoes

Thursday, November 11, 2010

52 weeks of waste, the thoughts of an emo kid

I hate everything right now, everything.

Its stupid how we spend a huge amount of our time working our asses off and it only takes one small thing to just throw us off, one thig to take our wheels off the rails and send us crashing into a huge wall of CRAP. This should be a time of my life where I am faced with the excitement of being done with this stupid thing called school, this was meant to be my final year and by my understanding for a really long time it really was. I spent a huge amount of time working my ass off and honestly I wouldn't have minded if I failed by my own doings but to not even be granted the chance to actually be put to the test is just terrible, I would be happier eating razor blades.

Honestly this is about a billion times worse than the time I hated life, at least that had no devastating effect in the long run and that was easily fixable but this is my frikin future stolen from me by stupid people who know nt what they were doing to even start with. I've just sat here this week, mostly in my bed cuz that w]is where all the morbidly depressed sit and kinda staring out the window and watching the rain, headphones are broken, musical jukebox did the same so the silence is not my best friend, it just leaves me with my thoughts and it makes nothing better. Anyway hopefully I'll get outof this rutt,  accept that I have more to do next year and enjoy the last race of the season, the only thing lifting my shattered spirits right now.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

A normal post for a change

There should be a brain-to-blog device that lets you post straight from the brain, so many posts would be flying about.

Well last night was a good night. It was fun having fun without the added confidence given by "downers" as was agreed by signing that official statement. People must know that when its time to jam it up we will definately jam it up. My homie Winetlord, the most powerful Power Ranger be jamming it up on the dance floor with killer moves homies neva eva seen ya digg.

I was in this little thought bubble last night that was so weird. There are just some questions you never ask a person. Sure the answer is no big deal because it hold truth behind it and in any circumstance it is ok but I know how these things work, I've been there, I've done that... It is of no concern to me really I couldnt't care less honestly but I was thrown off for a bit, hardly expecting that but then I came to my senses and realized this is all just one big game at the end of the day, the hunter will always hunt for prey whether or not it is in an enclosure, we've all done that. We should all take a page out of the Hamster book.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Swirling shades of blue

Have you ever dropped ink into a glass of Oros or milk?

Its really strange. It floats and gets mixed around in a liquid thread before it mixes in with the rest of the liquid absorbs it and makes it part of what it is. Thoughts kinda work in the same way. There are some thoughts that kinda swirl around in your head as one entity, different from the rest and choosing to stand alone, floating around and fascinating you, not letting go of you and mesmerizing you, making you a slave to what they have to say, screaming louder than anything and you get that silly look on your face like you're retarded when really all you are is just lost in swirling words and then suddenly they just disappear and everything meshes together and you forget what it was that held you for so long.

There is a genius that is missing in today's people, a big chunk of something not there at all. Today has been a good day and hopefully tonight will be as well, not expecting the world to happen tonight but may it not be a farce. Maybe it shall be the night where people prove themselves to be of a standard I agree with or it may just be the reminder that I as a person hate stupid people...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I dont like kites

Im lying in bed and I hear the sound of my door being pried open, its a fairly quiet noise so I let it go but then my little brother goes and ruins it all by making one of the most annoying noises when you're sleeping, he sneezes, twice.

My two requirements for a good nights sleep are total darkness and utter silence. I need those two things to force my mind to drift off otherwise I get agitated and start picking at my brain. I guess it doesn't have to be the darkness of death but a majority of no light must exist and I cannot have the light bulb in my eye sight if its on or I imagine that its trying to burn its way through my eyelids and then I cant sleep no matter what. I dont need mute silence either I do allow the hum of a fan to aid me with going to sleep, sometimes I'll just put it on to have its hummingness as a background noise. But anything else that I didnt put there when I went to sleep or anything that comes about when Im sleeping will annoy the crap outta me, even worse when it ruins a pleasurable sleep.

I guess its just that time of year with school being such a huge boil between the toes that everything has now become annoying. School annoys me, ants annoy me, people annoy me, tv annoys me, string annoys me, babies annoy me, stupid people also annoy me, getting hurt annoys me, frogs late at night annoy me, cars dont annoy me but oh my word sharks frikin annoy me and so do oil rigs and seahorses and colouring in books and beans and sand, pretty much everything annoys me. I also dont like kites they're stupid, they never work and no one actually has one they just kinda pop up outta nowhere in the sky and no one can fly them either...