Tuesday, November 23, 2010

We finally met...

I met Godzilla today, its still kinda registering, my favourite supercar and I was in it. I've seen it a coupla times on the freeway, I remember shedding a quiet tear when I first saw it.

I guess my moping was getting a bit much, my dad organized for me to go see it. I remember walking to the doors of the dealership and I was smiling like a fool. You know when you see someone you really like and you lengthen your strides and smile stupidly and get all filled with anticipation? I've only ever really done that once before so today I could really enjoy that moment but it was on a whole different level.

We got inside and I was just in my element. I was just too happy to be around that beast and then my dad said he was going cuz he had a flight to catch and so I thought well at least I saw it, all he said was find out all you can, give my details and poof he was gone.

Then they said I was gonna be taken for a drive. You know when you're content with just having something happen that you cant imagine it being any better and then you get told something that just floors you. I got into that thing, and the guy asked me what I wanted and I said hey buddy its up to you I've had my fun. Putting that seat belt on pretty much sealed my fate. We had the usual chat about the specs and such things, things I already knew but you gotta check to see if they know what they're going on about. Many dealers have missed a sale with my dad because they didnt know what they were talking about and when he makes a phone call and his son knows more than what you know about what you're selling, you know you've just lost out on a deal.

Driving in my favourite supercar is something thats so hard to explain. Its like waking up to realize that its christmas, your birthday, channukah, every single public holiday and school holiday pushed into one. I've never been so happy before, those 3.8 seconds to 100 were magic. Haha ah I used to think I'd felt what rapid acceleration was, forget anything you've ever felt ever in your life before because that compared to this, is like trying literally to compare a candle to a monkey. My stomach was wrapped around the bottom of my spine and my eyes had moved to the side of my head, I was honestly punched into the back of my seat and then some asshole cut in front of us and I've never felt such braking, Im pretty sure I felt every single meal I've ever eaten in my whole life being summoned up and all of this done in the wet is just phenomenal.

So my new mate Wilhelm tells me that these beasts in S.A come with 370kw of power, thats about the same kinda power Hitler had and it turned him into a madman. Nothing I've done has ever made me that happy, knowing that after 3 years of reading, searchin, joinin forums and signing petitions, it all led up to this beast being unleashed on our little docile country and I being given the chance to experience it, frikin amazing...

After today really I am willing to forgo food, water, electricity, a bed and girls just to have that thing in my life...

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