Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I dont like kites

Im lying in bed and I hear the sound of my door being pried open, its a fairly quiet noise so I let it go but then my little brother goes and ruins it all by making one of the most annoying noises when you're sleeping, he sneezes, twice.

My two requirements for a good nights sleep are total darkness and utter silence. I need those two things to force my mind to drift off otherwise I get agitated and start picking at my brain. I guess it doesn't have to be the darkness of death but a majority of no light must exist and I cannot have the light bulb in my eye sight if its on or I imagine that its trying to burn its way through my eyelids and then I cant sleep no matter what. I dont need mute silence either I do allow the hum of a fan to aid me with going to sleep, sometimes I'll just put it on to have its hummingness as a background noise. But anything else that I didnt put there when I went to sleep or anything that comes about when Im sleeping will annoy the crap outta me, even worse when it ruins a pleasurable sleep.

I guess its just that time of year with school being such a huge boil between the toes that everything has now become annoying. School annoys me, ants annoy me, people annoy me, tv annoys me, string annoys me, babies annoy me, stupid people also annoy me, getting hurt annoys me, frogs late at night annoy me, cars dont annoy me but oh my word sharks frikin annoy me and so do oil rigs and seahorses and colouring in books and beans and sand, pretty much everything annoys me. I also dont like kites they're stupid, they never work and no one actually has one they just kinda pop up outta nowhere in the sky and no one can fly them either...

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