Tuesday, November 16, 2010

At the end of the day its only a molehill

Its been said that your own truth is always going to be the one thats most correct to you so no matter what anyone else says, because its your thoughts and views that automatically makes the right and everything said by everyone else to be wrong. The same Im sure applies to the problems we face. Because they're what we see right before us we think that they are the very worst things to hit us and we start blaming everyone from ourselves all the way to God as if that'll do us any good.

Somewhere out there millions of people are starving and dying and are being killed and eaten but because its not what Im faced with, it is not my biggest concern right now. Instead of donating everything I own, including the clothes off my back, to a hospice I am too busy worried about what I've done, where Im going, how much time I've spent, if Im actually going in the right direction, all silly trivial things when you stop to think that at the end of the day sure these things are important to me but its not the end of the world. I have not died because I have to repeat another year at school. Im not dodging bombs because I had a slight fall out with my girlfriend. Im not going to have my hand chopped off because my dog is possibly dead by now, shame I think he's lived for quite a while now he's bound to die anytime soon.

All of these things may be blowing my mind wide open but come now, so what if I repeat next year, I haven't had the most normal schooling record anyway, this is just another adventure to live through and forget. So what if we had what I think to be our first little fight, all relationships are strange, they're far fetched but do-able. So what if my dog dies, he was my mate but he's faced worse, he probably wont even die the useless, two cars weren't enough so why should old age be any different.

Chill kwagg...

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