Tuesday, November 16, 2010

She likes me. She loves me

Girls are stupid.

Ok shame thats a bit harsh, we as children are stupid. So I was speaking to this one person, a girl, and she was saying how even tho she's in a happy relationship she just cant help being confused because some guy has now showed interest in her and that got me thinking quite a bit. I remember back in the old days in like grade 6 when relationships were still new and people actually dated for longer than they do now, nothing was serious, we were scared to hold hands, hugging in the first week of being official was just pushing your luck and the one thing that was a huge blemish on all this cute little perfection was how girls mostly, got so confused when someone other than their boyfriend said they liked them. I remember on numerous occasions I would be told by a few of this naive little cherubs that they didnt know if their relationships would last because so and so said they thought they looked good on the outing and once she broke up with whats his face then he would like a shot. Thats actually how most of the things worked back then it was funny and I too fell victim to the confused cherub syndrome. My FOTM of was it 5 or 6 months left me because someone had said sweet words to her and so ended our sweet little thing, I was shattered, I even remember trying to cry that night in bed cuz I heard thats what happens after a break up and even tho it failed dismally, I still felt like I had achieved something emotionally.

Anyway back to the story at hand. So this child tells me her dilemma and honestly in my head I am screaming and shooting huge full blown daggers at her. How stupid can one be, if you claim to worship the gas that comes out of your lovers body then why are you all flumoxed all of a sudden by someone saying you looked pretty the other day. I just wanted to grab this poor child by the neck and twist it till her head exploded and she saw daylight as it is. I was never a fan of that kinda stupidity back in the olden days and I cannot stand it now, it is on the list of things that annoy me in fact.

In those situations one must seriously know where their priorities lie. You must not be committed at all to what you say you are if every Tom, Dick and Harry gets you to forget where you stand and what you're all about, its pathetic...

On a completely random and useless note that has nothing to do with anythin, I just realized that now that I think of it, many friends of the girls I dated just couldn't stand me.

Its like a popular trend. Grade 5 with that girl I liked at Tala, her mates couldn't stand me. FOTM's catnip annoying friend could not bare the mere sight of me, oh how many fights did we have... Asian glue girl in grade 7, her hannah montana friends wanted me dead. Its like its some kinda popular trend for me to be hated by these who i now refer to as communists and I am so overjoyed by it. I love the fact that till this day I haven't been concerned by all those things, imagine if I'd tried to be nice to crazy cat lady and if I'd hung out with hannah montana, I would be bending over backwards to keep in the good books of a bunch of twelve year olds right now and no matter how much i like real twelve year olds, they still get confused by people complimenting them on outings.

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